She told him her vision, leaving out the part where he walked up to her and caressed her face.

That wasn’t important.

As she looked at Rowan, she could see the worry in his eyes as he took in her vision and considered what it could possibly mean if it happened.

Chapter 4 - Rowan

Rowan did not want to fight with Juniper, but he understood why she seemed so keen on fighting him and he couldn’t fault her for it. Whenever he thought about what he had done to her, he felt terrible about it and his wolf whimpered inside him until he couldn’t take it anymore.

It had taken a long time for him to no longer get very angry with himself every time he thought about how differently things could have turned out if he’d simply been courageous enough to accept Juniper and not care about what anyone had to say about her being his mate.

That didn’t mean that he’d forgiven himself for his actions, of course. He doubted he would be able to forgive himself until she had forgiven him.

So although he wanted nothing more than for this fight to end and for them to go back to the way things had been when they were together, he certainly couldn’t blame Juniper for acting the way that she was.

As he watched her and noticed the dramatic changes that had taken place since the last time he’d seen her, he couldn’t help but wonder about how she had been living all this time.

And he had been more impressed with her magic than anything else.

When he had said that she hadn’t been able to use her magic while she was still with them years ago, Rowan had realized quite quickly that his choice of words had been wrong. He really hadn’t been trying to insult her. Instead, he was actually just being wistful about the time that they’d spent together.

He remembered all of the times Juniper had tried to use her magic and get it under her control, but had failed spectacularly. Those were memories he had held on to dearly because he remembered how cute she had been then. However, she clearly didn’t see it the way that he did.

Hearing about her vision had cut through the haze the many pitchers of beer had begun to set upon him, and now he felt very somber.

Rowan couldn’t help but be a bit worried as she narrated it to him. Knowing how urgently her vision had forced her to return to a place she clearly had no problem staying away from made it all the more worrying. Seeing as she was here against her will, coupled with whatever was going on in the forest, it suddenly seemed like something he needed to take seriously.

“So, how exactly are you going to get rid of it? You told me about it, is that all you need to do for the vision?” he asked her.

Rowan was worried. What if that was all that she needed to do? What if she only needed to tell him the vision and then she was free to do as she pleased without her powers punishing her? What if she chose to leave after this?

He didn’t want to think about what would happen if she chose to leave once again. Rowan didn’t want her to go. He’d missed her so much and now that he was seeing her again, he doubted he or his wolf would be able to survive her leaving again for a second time.

“No. Unfortunately, that’s not all I have to do. Simply telling you is one step, but now the next thing I have to do is find out what exactly the danger is that’s posing a threat to the pack so that we can stop it somehow.”

Rowan nodded calmly. Despite his calm exterior, Rowan struggled to hold back a smile, feeling completely relieved by this news. He was very happy to know that he still had a chance to find a way to convince her to stay.

“Ah, I see. Alright then. This may not have been what you wanted, but I am glad that you chose to come back here and warn us about this,” Rowan said, meaning every word.

She nodded and stood up, signifying the end of their conversation. Rowan frowned when he saw how unsteady she was on her feet.

“You’re leaving?” he asked her as his wolf began to whine once again at that thought.

Rowan was panicked as well. He still wanted to talk to her about whatever she was willing to share with him. He didn’t want her to leave just yet.

“Yes, I am leaving.” She looked at the clock hanging on the wall. “It’s nine p.m. already and I haven’t slept for a whole day and some extra hours. I need to try to sleep. I’ve been trying to sleep because I’m exhausted, but it has not been working out as well as I’d hoped.

“The only reason I came down to the bar was so that I could get drunk and hopefully pass out long enough to wake up well-rested from the stress of the previous days.”

Rowan nodded. He hadn’t realized that her visions plagued her this much. Now he felt guilty for wanting her to stay up with him, talking about things that did not matter much.

He was also tired himself, especially after the stunt Hanlon had pulled, but at least he’d been able to rest a bit.

“Where are you staying now?” he asked her as he began to stand up as well.

“The Moonwood Inn,” she said.

“Alright, how about you come with me and I’ll drop you off at the inn?” he questioned.