“What’s her name?”someone calls out.I glance down at the bag in my hand and see a name on the tag.
“Audrey.”I look at the blond-haired beauty on the bed while six people work to revive her.
It feels like time stops moving as I stare at her and finally take in her features.She was solid in my arms, but in the hospital bed, she looks frail and so delicate.I’m worried a strong wind will take her away and leave me with nothing.
“Are you the husband?”someone asks, and I nod without taking my eyes off her.“Come with me.You'll need to fill out some paperwork.”
“I can’t leave her.”I clutch her bag to my chest as I stand there in shock.“I told her I’d stay with her.”
“They’re going to take her for some scans,” the person says, and I feel a comforting hand on my shoulder.“Come with me, and I’ll show you to your wife’s room.”
“Wife?”I blink as they wheel Audrey out of the emergency room and away from me.
“Yes.If you’ll come with me, I’ll take you to her room.”
I don’t say another word as I put one foot in front of the other and follow the nurse.
“What’s going on with my wife?”I hear a deep voice ask.
Did I fall asleep with a movie on?That can’t be right because I know all the movies we have, and I’d remember that voice.Still, there’s something about it that sounds familiar.
“Your wife is going to be fine, Mr.Howard.There’s no bleeding in the brain.It’s only a small cut.I’m guessing between almost getting run over and not taking care of herself, she’s exhausted.”
They aren’t talking about me, are they?My body feels heavy, but I force my eyes to open.I’m so tired it’s all I can do to get them to lift enough for me to see through my eyelashes.
Okay, so I’m in a hospital.
That’s when I remember leaving my house, and it all comes rushing back to me.Ten minutes out on my own, and I’m already in the hospital.What if my mom is right about me not being able to function without her?
“What do you mean ‘not taking care of herself’?”
“She’s malnourished.We ran every test we could like you demanded, along with blood work.”The doctor's arm reaches over my bed and passes a folder to someone else with a thick wrist and a fancy silver watch.
They are talking about me.How is that possible?I’m not married.Unless this is all a dream, and I’m somehow still back at home and locked away.What if I never got out?
“What the fuck?”the man to my right grumbles under his breath.What did the doctor call him?Mr.Howard.The image of a dark-haired man flashes in my mind, and I guess he brought me here.More of it comes back, and I remember his voice.He was talking to me in the car the whole way to the hospital.
“The fluids are helping.She’ll wake up soon, but I want her to finish the bag before she leaves.”
“Thanks.”I hear Mr.Howard flip through the pages, and again I try to force my eyes open.“Did you get my email with the list of items I need?”he asks.“All right.Put the items away like I said.Also I need you to find out—” He pauses.“I’ll call you later.”
The room goes quiet, and my curiosity is killing me.I’m also starting to panic too.Wouldn't a hospital be one of the first places my mom might look for me?
“Audrey.”A warm hand takes mine.“Come on.Show me those eyes.”
Finally, I’m able to open them, and I suck in a breath when I get a better look at my hero.The man is hovering over my bed and staring down at me.He’s so big he takes up all of my field of vision, and I realize that the sweet gentle words he repeated in the car don’t match his appearance.Everything about him is dark, from his hair and eyes to his suit.
“You’re my husband?”are the first words out of my mouth and his dark eyes widen a fraction.
“I am.”He squeezes my hand tighter.“You don’t remember anything?”
I shake my head because I know it’s easier to lie when saying less.But why is he pretending to be married to me?
“You’re going to be all right,” he says, and my breath freezes when he leans down toward me.