‘But . . .’ said Amelia, sharply.

‘But . . . Look, I just wish you weren’t coming back.’ Her words were harsh.


‘Not because I don’t want to see you. Of course I do. God, I miss you, Amelia.’

‘Then what?’ She looked across at Declan. He watched her, a concerned expression on his face.

‘Look, you may never want to speak to me again after I tell you this. But if I were you, I would rather know. Especially as you’re giving everything up again for him . . . and coming back. I mean, after everything . . . Amelia, you obviously love your new life. I haven’t heard you so happy for months and I won’t let him ruin it for you.’

Declan was now hopping anxiously from one foot to the other. He looked at her and tapped his watch. He always liked to be near the front when they announced the flight was ready to board.

‘Suna, if you’ve got something to tell me, please do it quickly. They’re about to announce the flight is boarding . . .’

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Declan tapped his fingers on his watch, gesturing at her to hurry up even though their flight still hadn’t been called.

Amelia’s face drained of colour as she listened to what Suna had to say. After a few minutes she thanked her and slid her phone into her bag. She remained serene as she slowly walked towards Declan.

‘When did you plan to tell me?’ she said quietly.

‘Tell you what?’ He sounded confused.

‘Well, the truth would be a good place to start.’ She became aware of a few passengers murmuring from the seats opposite but didn’t care. She glowered pointedly at Declan.

‘What do you mean? I don’t know what you’re talking about . . .’

At that point, an announcement was made that the flight would soon be ready for boarding. People started bustling around them. ‘We should go,’ he said, his voice tight with impatience, and he placed a hand on her arm.

Amelia shook it off. ‘I’m not going anywhere until you tell me the truth.’

‘Come on, Amelia. Don’t make a scene,’ he urged. Declan always hated fuss and attention, but Amelia didn’t care.

‘When were you going to tell me?’

‘I have no idea what you are talking about.’ Yet his confidence started to wane, and he no longer looked so sure of himself.

‘When. Were. You. Going to tell me the truth? The truth about you and Cara?’

His face crumpled and he looked utterly stricken.

She shook her head in pity. ‘Did youreallythink I wouldn’t find out?’

‘Would passengers in rows twenty-five to forty-five now come forward, please?’

‘Come on. Let’s get on the plane and we can chat about this when we’re home.’

‘No way. I’m not going anywhere with you.’

‘You tell him, love,’ said a woman standing within earshot.

‘Move out the way of everyone,’ Amelia said, pulling him to the side and away from the small queue that now snaked around them. ‘I am not getting on the plane with you unless you tell me now.’

He rolled his eyes and finally spoke. ‘Okay. I admit it’s not something I’m proud of. I panicked . . .’
