‘He’s a friend.’

‘Looked like he was disappointed to find me here.’

‘It’s not any of your business, Declan.’

‘I’m sorry.’ He held up his hands. ‘You’re right.’

* * *

Amelia and Declan spent the rest of the afternoon talking, yet she still wasn’t convinced that leaving with him to go back to London was the right decision. This was all too rushed and sudden. She needed more time. He was overly bright with her, and when she offered to cook some dinner, his comment over the lack of television irritated her.

‘It’s nice here,’ he said softly. ‘I can see why you came. Though I don’t know how you’ve coped. I mean, it is pretty basic and you like your luxuries.’

‘Maybe I’ve realised that simple is better.’

He yawned. ‘How long were you going to hide out here?’

She turned from the sink and frowned. ‘I wasn’t aware I was hiding. I was just trying to pick up the pieces of my life, Declan. The one you trampled on.’

He had the grace to look embarrassed. ‘You’re right. I’m sorry, and it took guts to come over here on your own. Especially in the middle of winter. What are the locals like?’

‘Great.’ She smiled. ‘Edie who lives in the cottage has been wonderful. Then Cano at the café has been a good friend. They’ve all been very kind.’

‘That Fergus guy . . . is he just a friend?’ He tried to keep his voice light, but there was a definite undertone to his question.

‘Yes, he is.’ She sighed and placed a bowl of pasta in front of him. ‘I’ve already told you.’

‘Thanks,’ he said. ‘Although I could have taken you for dinner at the hotel.’

That was the last thing Amelia wanted. She wasn’t ready to be seen in public with Declan after last night. She wanted to keep her private life private. Declan looped his foot around hers as he twirled the fettuccine on his fork. It was comfortable and familiar and, after a glass of wine, she relaxed a bit and realised it was actually okay-ish.

‘I think we can make this work.’ His voice was earnest. ‘I’ve got a new flat, which you’ll love until we can buy our own place and . . .’

‘I don’t have a job though.’

‘Yes, but you’ll get one. I’m sure you will.’

Amelia’s heart sank. Did she really want to go back to that existence? A marketing job in the city? That was real life, wasn’t it? Doing things you didn’t want to? Maybe she should just face up to reality. Sitting for a moment, she glanced around the cabin. Had she been deluded to think that a new life and fresh start was possible?

‘Was there someone else?’ she asked suddenly.

‘No,’ he said, shocked. ‘Why would you think that?’

‘Just one of the many thoughts I had, Declan, when I had time on my hands to pore over what I had done wrong. Did I push you away?’

He put down his fork and gripped her hands. ‘No, please don’t ever think that. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was all me.’

Amelia yawned, emotionally exhausted with all the chatting they had done.

‘I should go. You’re tired.’

Amelia didn’t challenge him. She wanted to collapse into bed and have another night here, especially as it might be her last one. She wanted to be alone.

‘It’s fine,’ he said wearily. ‘I don’t have any expectations, Amelia. I want you to know how sorry I am. And I love you and you would make me the happiest man on earth if you would come back with me tomorrow.’

Amelia didn’t answer.

‘Sleep well.’ He leaned in to kiss her and Amelia found herself kissing him back. But she couldn’t get the image of Fergus out of her head.