Just as Edie was about to tell Amelia about her sister, she heard a car pull up outside, its wheels crunching over the gravel.

‘Oh, that will be Fergus,’ Amelia said. ‘He mentioned coming to collect us.’

Edie raised an eyebrow. ‘Mmm . . . so much for walking then?’

Amelia shook her head and stifled a laugh. ‘Now, Edie, just behave . . . He sent me a text earlier when the heavens opened.’

‘It’s fine. I’m glad he’s here.’

‘Who, me?’ said Fergus as he walked into the kitchen.

‘Just the very man. I’m glad you’re both here actually. It means I can tell you together.’

‘Tell us what?’ he said, confused.

‘Now,’ she said, clapping her hands together. ‘Please don’t make a fuss. I’m fine. But . . . well, the hospital called this morning to let me know Christine . . . passed away.’

Amelia gasped. ‘Oh, Edie. I’m so sorry to hear that.’ She ran over to Edie and put her arms around her.

Edie allowed herself to be held for a moment then pushed Amelia away. ‘Thanks, dear. But really, I am okay. I was expecting the news. And . . . I’m lucky that I managed to visit her in time . . . and that we made our peace.’

‘Sorry,’ said Fergus gruffly. He hovered awkwardly, unsure as to whether he should also give her a cuddle.

Edie waved him over and hugged him. ‘Thank you, Fergus. If it hadn’t been for you I wouldn’t have gone to see her.’ She stepped away. ‘Thank you both for being there for me when I needed you.’

‘What about a funeral?’ asked Amelia.

Edie shook her head. ‘She didn’t want one.’

‘Oh,’ said Fergus.

Edie shrugged. ‘She just wanted a private cremation and asked that I scatter her ashes here, in Arran.’

Fergus and Amelia looked at each other, then back towards Edie.

‘Now, come on. There’s no point in sitting around being maudlin. Let’s get to the meeting.’

‘But, Edie . . .’ began Amelia.

Putting a smile on her face, she dismissed their concerned looks. ‘Come on, we just need to get on with things. The best thing to do is keep busy. And if we don’t get up there soon, Doris may end up taking over.’ She clocked Amelia and Fergus looking at each other in surprise.

‘I think she perhaps already has,’ said Fergus, with a grin.

She looked at them both and nodded. ‘Let’s go. I’ll be fine.’

Chapter Forty-Three

When they arrived at Cèic, where the final meeting was being held, Doris already held the attention of the table. Clearly she had entered into the Christmas spirit of things, as she wore a jumper with a flashing Christmas tree on its front. Thea and Grant looked up as Edie, Fergus and Amelia walked in, and they rolled their eyes.

‘There you are. Nice you could make it,’ said Doris.

Amelia felt herself bristling at the tone of her voice.

‘Ladies, you sit down and I’ll get you a coffee.’ Fergus casually walked over to Cano.

‘I’ll give him a hand.’ Grant couldn’t get away fast enough.

‘I just said that everything seems to be in hand. But you just never know, do you?’ Doris’s lips were pursed as she looked outside at the few clouds in the sky. ‘I mean, after that downpour earlier, who knows what will happen. What if it rains? Or snows?’ She tapped her hands briskly on the table. ‘This is the last year I do this. I mean, does anyone have any idea how much work is involved?’ Her phone rang and she sighed dramatically, excusing herself.