‘Oh, I hope it’s all good stuff and nothing naughty.’ Thea gave a huge laugh that came from deep inside.

Amelia couldn’t help but chuckle along with her. ‘Don’t worry, all positive.’

‘Well, look, it’s fab to put a face to your name. I’d better go and open up. But please do pop in anytime. It would be great to see you.’

‘That is so kind of you. I will do that.’

‘Enjoy your coffee. Cano will look after you.’

Amelia turned and walked into the café, which only had a couple of customers. She noticed the older man she’d passed earlier now sat in the corner, at a small table, with his newspaper spread out and a pot of tea. She glanced around apprehensively, taking in the surroundings. A long wooden table ran along the front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, which looked out over the bay. The oak floors were lightly scuffed and plants were dotted around, offering bursts of vivid green. She breathed in scents of cinnamon and nutmeg, and listened to the whir of the coffee grinder. A man behind the counter, arranging pastries, glanced up and smiled when he saw her.

‘Morning. What would you like today?’

‘Hello. I would love a latte, please.’

‘Okey-dokey,’ he said in a soft accent.

He turned away to fill the portafilter with coffee grounds and slotted it into the machine. While the espresso trickled out into a mug, he busied himself with steaming the milk. The noise of it whooshing and hissing reminded her of her usual stop, at the shop next to where she used to work. This was so much better. Amelia’s eyes roamed over the mouthwatering selection of goodies. There were croissants, muffins, huge slabs of fruitcake, brownies and scones, and her stomach rumbled, making her want to order one of each.

‘Can I offer you something to go with your drink?’ he asked over his shoulder.

She pulled a face, knowing she would give in to temptation. ‘Well, okay, twist my arm. I will.’

Cano had tongs at the ready. ‘What would you like?’

She pointed at a scone studded with blueberries.

‘Superb choice,’ he said, picking up a large one and placing it on a plate with a knife and butter. He spun round to reach for her coffee.

‘Are you Cano?’

‘Yes.’ He grinned.

‘I have heard about you. And sampled the lovely almond croissants.’

‘Ah — you must be Miss Edie’s friend?’

She nodded. ‘Yes. I’m Amelia. Good to meet you.’

‘You too,’ he said. ‘I hope you enjoy your stay on the island.’

‘Thank you. I am enjoying it very much.’ She was aware that a couple of people waited in line behind her and so she headed over to a table and sat down facing the window. She shook herself in disbelief that she was having her breakfast with such a stunning vista. Taking a picture of the cup with the scenic background, she sent it to Suna.

Having a latte and thinking of you.

She paused to see if she would reply. When she didn’t, Amelia pulled out her notepad and began to write. Today’s prompt started with the words,What is the best way to get out of your head?She smiled, clicked her pen and let the words flow.

The best way to get out of your head is to move to an island, live in a hut overlooking the sea and admire the amazing view. To think at the moment this is my life, compared to what it was like before. Only a couple of months ago, my life was in tatters. When Declan left I really didn’t think I would smile again. I thought my life was over. And yes, I still miss him . . . but being here is reminding me that there is a world waiting to be discovered.

She sat for a moment, remembering when she and Declan had met at a party her company had hosted to launch the latest brand of vodka. He’d tagged along with a friend and although it was cheesy, their eyes had connected across a crowded room. It had been an instant attraction. He was tall with cropped blond hair and a smile that lit up his face. They’d stood chatting and laughing at the bar, drinking free shots until Amelia’s boss had tapped her on the shoulder and told her to work the room. They’d swapped numbers and the next day Declan texted her, asking her to go to dinner that weekend. He’d been funny, intelligent and self-assured, and Amelia had fallen head over heels in love with him very quickly. They’d both worked hard but had enjoyed weekends hopping onto the Eurostar for romantic breaks in Paris or eating out. They’d been happy, or so Amelia had thought. Now, as she took another sip of her coffee, she wondered if she had beennaïveor just completely stupid.

After a while Cano came over to clear away her dishes. ‘Did you like the scone?’ he asked as he wiped the table.

‘Fabulous,’ she said. ‘The best I have ever tasted.’

He beamed with pride. ‘I have been trying to make different flavours. That’s the first time I have tried blueberry. Normally they are plain or have raisins.’

‘Well, it was delicious,’ she said. ‘Thank you.’