Yet Edie was amused by the idea and thought it a fantastic plan. ‘A hot tub under the stars . . . I can imagine it now. Brilliant idea. Genius.’

‘Hello,’ hollered a voice, and Molly started barking.

Amelia’s stomach tightened when Fergus walked into the kitchen. She hadn’t seen him since they’d kind of spent the night together. ‘I was just passing and thought I’d drop in and say hello.’

‘Perfect timing,’ said Edie. ‘I was about to put the kettle on.’

Fergus pulled out a chair and sat down, clasping his hands on the table. He smiled at Amelia. ‘How are you?’

She raised her eyebrows. ‘Okay.’ Though she did actually feel as though they had spent the nighttogetherbecause she felt shy and unable to meet his gaze. ‘Edie’s briefed me on the Christmas fair,’ she blurted.

‘Doris did ask . . .’ Edie looked innocently at Fergus. ‘She thought with Amelia’s marketing background she would be a splendid asset.’

Fergus groaned. ‘Oh dear, there’s definitely no going back now.’

‘I’m sure it will all be fine.’ Amelia tried to keep the panic out of her voice. Surely pulling a few pints of beer couldn’t be that difficult, could it? Unless she was missing something.

Fergus paused. ‘Put it this way, Doris will keep you right.’

Amelia nodded, then smiled briefly. ‘Super.’ She hoped she didn’t sound too sarcastic.

‘So, will you be staying on? For Christmas?’ he asked, casually.

‘Looks like it.’ She blushed.Oh God, how could she stop herself from going red? He was only asking her an innocent question.

A glimmer of a smile played on his lips, as he took the mug of tea Edie was holding out to him. He looked like he was about to say something else but Edie beat him to it.

‘Wait until you see what Amelia has done with the website. It looks amazing. And she’s come up with a shortlist of names. Coorie Cabin, the Bothy, the Cosy Cabin and Shepherd’s Hoos.’ She sat down opposite Fergus. ‘What do you think?’

‘Shepherd’s Hoos.’ He laughed. ‘Brilliant. Though I like the Coorie Cabin most. What do you think, Amelia?’

‘The same.’

‘And you’ll never guess what brilliant idea she’s come up with . . . ?’ said Edie.

‘Let me try — alpacas in the garden?’

Edie burst out laughing. ‘Well, you know I do have a soft spot for them, Fergus. They’re docile and sweet, just like you.’

Now it was time for Fergus’s cheeks to flush.

‘Alpacas are not a bad idea . . . But not quite yet. First of all, we need to get a hot tub.’

Amelia’s fingers were now tingling, and she gripped them tighter around her mug of tea. This was not good at all.

‘Amelia, dear, are you okay? Your face is a bit red. Is the thought of seeing Fergus in his Speedos getting you a bit fired up?’

Fergus roared with laughter. ‘Edie, you are so naughty. I much prefer a two-piece these days.’ He glanced over at Amelia. ‘Oh dear, are we embarrassing you?’

‘Erm, no, I’m a bit hot.’ She had noticed the tingles rising up her arm. This wasn’t just about feeling awkward with Fergus in the room; she must be having some kind of allergic reaction to something. ‘Edie, do you have any antihistamines?’ She was now clawing at her hands, which were red and itchy.

Edie hurried over to the drawer by the sink and opened it, rummaging around and pushing plasters and paracetamol to the side. ‘Yes.’ She held the packet triumphantly to the sky.

Fergus reached over to touch her arm. ‘Looks like some kind of contact rash. Do you have any allergies?’ She screwed up her face and shook her head as it dawned on her.

‘Latex. It’s the latex.’

Edie raised an eyebrow and smirked.