“And where were you when Deputy Sanger called you?”
“I was at my home in Lancaster.”
“What is your home address?”
Mitchell hesitated and Morris jumped up to object to revealing the witness’s home address to the public.
“Your Honor,” Morris said. “This could put this witness and his family in danger.”
“I withdraw the question,” I said before the judge had to rule.
“Very well,” the judge said. “Proceed.”
Morris nodded his approval like he had once again scored some kind of point over me.
“Deputy Mitchell, let’s go back to that night,” I said. “Were you part of the investigation of Deputy Sanz’s death?”
“No, I was not,” Mitchell said.
“But on the evidence report, it says you had possession of the gunshot-residue pads taken during the examination of Lucinda Sanz. Is that true?”
“Yes. That evidence was handed to me by another deputy to safeguard until investigators were on the scene. When the homicide investigators arrived, I handed the evidence over.”
“What exactly was the evidence?”
“As I recall, it was two GSR pads in an evidence bag.”
“And which deputy gave that bag to you to, as you say, safeguard?”
“Sergeant Sanger. I mean, Deputy Sanger at the time.”
I paused and looked down at my pad and braced myself for more pushback on my next line of questioning.
“Deputy Mitchell,” I finally said, “were you aware that Deputy Roberto Sanz was a member of a sheriff’s clique that had become the focus of an FBI invest —”
“Objection!” Morris practically shrieked before I could finish my question. He jumped to his feet.
“Assumes facts not in evidence,” he said. “Counsel for the petitioner is again trying to cloud these proceedings with innuendo he has absolutely zero evidence to support.”
“Mr. Haller, response?” the judge said.
“Thank you, Your Honor,” I said. “If allowed to continue with the petition, these facts will come to light.”
The judge considered this for a long moment before responding.
“Once again, I’m going to hold you to that, Mr. Haller,” she said. “The witness may answer.”
“Your Honor,” Morris said. “This is highly —”
“Mr. Morris, did you not hear the court’s ruling?” Coelho said.
“Yes, Your Honor,” Morris said. “Thank you, Your Honor.”
Morris sat down and all eyes returned to Mitchell. For dramatic effect, I asked the question again.
“Deputy Mitchell, were you aware that Deputy Roberto Sanz was a member of a sheriff’s clique that had become the focus of an FBI investigation?”
Mitchell hesitated in case Morris wanted to try a new objection, but the assistant AG remained quiet.