“I don’t pay for testimony,” I said. “All I can give you is a get-out-of-jail-free card.”
“What’s that mean?”
“It’s my business card. You call the number on it the next time you’re arrested and I’ll get you out and take your case.”
Moder looked up at Cisco with a scowl.
“What the fuck, man?” he said. “You said he’d pay me.”
“I never said that,” Cisco said. “I said if he likes what you say, he’ll take care of you. That’s it.”
“Fuck!” Moder said.
“Calm down,” I said. “You —”
“No, you calm the fuck down!” Moder yelled. “I need real money, man. I’m hurtin’, man!”
“The only witnesses I pay are expert witnesses,” I said. “And I don’t think you’re an expert in anything but getting high on crystal meth.”
“Then get the fuck out of here. All a’ you. Just get the fuck out. I ain’t fucking over my sister for a fucking business card. Get out!”
Bosch got up from the couch and started for the door. Cisco didn’t move. He was waiting for me so he could be the last man out in case Moder foolishly decided to get physical. I pulled out my wallet and retrieved a business card.
“You already fucked her over,” I said.
I tossed the card onto the coffee table and followed Bosch out the door.
The three of us didn’t speak until we got back to the street and stood around the Navigator.
“What do you think?” Cisco asked.
“It’d be nice if I had something solid to back up his story,” I said. “But I think I can make do if push comes to shove with the sister.”
“Subpoena him?” Bosch asked.
“No,” I said. “I don’t want the AG to know we found him. Howdidwe find him?”
Bosch lifted his chin in Cisco’s direction.
“Cisco’s the man,” he said.
“I found out where she used to live in Glendale and asked around the neighborhood,” Cisco said. “People didn’t like her or her brother. It got easy from there.”
I nodded approvingly.
“So what is she inside for?” I asked.
“DUI manslaughter,” Cisco said. “Ran through a light in Sun Valley and T-boned a nurse coming home from work at St. Joseph’s. She blew a point-three. Got fifteen years for it. The nurse had a family.”
“What do you think, Harry?” I asked. “What could she get in exchange for snitching on Lucinda? I mean, going back to the sentencing judge is a nonstarter. No judge is going to chip time off the sentence on a case like that. That doesn’t win you any votes.”
“Don’t know,” Bosch said. “Maybe just a promise from the AG to try. She’s already been in eight years. She’ll start getting parole hearings in a year. Maybe Morris will put in the word there.”
“Yeah, gotta be it,” I said. “Good job, fellas. I’ve got something I can work with if need be.”
Neither investigator responded to the compliment.
“So, anybody hungry?” I said. “I’m starved. Musso’s is still open and I’m buying.”