Page 26 of Resurrection Walk

Barnett:We’re going to find it, but it would be better for you if you just told us and cleared this up right now.

Sanz:I didn’t do it.

Samuels:Were you afraid that he was going to the car to get his gun?

Sanz:No. I thought he already had his gun and shot at the house.

Samuels:But you said before that you were afraid. What were you afraid of in that moment?

Sanz:I keep telling you. I was afraid he was shooting at the house. We’d just had a big argument. I could not take Eric to my mother’s, because we had missed dinner because he was so late.

Samuels:Did he tell you why he was late?

Sanz:He said he had a work meeting and I know he lied. The gang team never works on Sunday.

Samuels:So you yelled at him?

Sanz:A little bit. I was mad at him, yes.

Samuels:Did he yell at you?

Sanz:Yes. He said I was a bitch.

Samuels:Is that why you got mad?

Sanz:No, no, don’t put words… I was mad at him because he was so late. That’s it.

Samuels:Lucinda, if this was about you feeling threatened, we can work with you on that. You’re scared. He has guns. Did he tell you he was going to his car to get a gun?

Sanz:I told you, no. He was leaving. I told him to leave and he was leaving. I locked the door and that was it.

Barnett:It doesn’t add up, Lucinda. You have to help us here. He’s in your house. He walks out and he is shot from behind. Was somebody else in your house?

Sanz:No, nobody. Just me and Eric.

Barnett:Do you know what gunshot residue is?


Barnett:Well, when you fire a gun, microscopic particles explode out of the gun. You can’t see them but they get on your hands and your arms and your clothes. Remember a deputy took samples from you at the house? He wiped your hands with those little round pads?

Sanz:It was a she. The deputy who did that.

Barnett:Well, the test came back positive. You had gunshot residue on your hands and that means you fired a weapon, Lucinda. So stop all the lies and talk to us. Work with us here. What happened?

Sanz:I told you, it wasn’t me. I wouldn’t shoot him.

Barnett:How do you explain the gunshot residue?

Sanz:I don’t know. I can’t. I think I want to have a lawyer now.

Barnett:Are you sure about that? We could clear all of this up right now so you can get back home with your boy.

Sanz:I didn’t do this.

Samuels:Last chance, Lucinda. You call a lawyer and we can’t help you anymore.

Sanz:I want to call a lawyer.