Page 83 of Just Add Friendship

Her mother nodded. “Yes, not that we needed reminding, but it sounded fun to surprise you.”

“It’s amazing, and I am so surprised.” Steph laughed and hugged them again.

When her mother drew back, she said, “Birthdays are important and should be celebrated. We want you to know we’re so happy you’re our daughter.”

More tears came, and Steph swiped them again.

A knock sounded at the door, and someone opened it to a food delivery person bringing sacks of Chinese food. It seemed the restaurant wasn’t going to happen after all, but Steph was more than happy to be surrounded by friends and food.

“Were you surprised?” Brandy asked.

“Um, yes!” Steph laughed. “I can’t believe Cal got my parents to come. And he wore a suit—completely fooled me.”

“I know,” Brandy whispered. “And guess what, your parents brought a present.”

Steph stared at her friend. “No.”

“Yep.” She grinned. “I think Cal’s good for your family in more ways than one.”

“He brought me red roses.”

Brandy’s brows arched. “Well, you know what that means?”

“That he’s a fabulous boyfriend?”

“Yes, but it also means he’s going to tell you he loves you.”

Steph’s face heated. “You can’t know that. I mean, it wouldn’t be awful, but it’s not something you can predict.”

Brandy smirked. “It’s written all over his face.”

Steph snapped her head to look over at Cal, who was talking to Austin and Everly. She turned back to Brandy. “It’s not.”

She laughed. “It is, and it’s written onyourface.”

Steph’s first instinct was to deny her comments, even if they were true, but it was nearly impossible to hide things from her best friend. So why bother? “Maybe I’ll tell him first,” she whispered.

“Ooo, that would be amazing.”

“I love your dress,” Julie said, joining them. “Now, what are we talking about?”

“We’re talking about how cute Maren is holding court over the food.” The little girl was currently standing with hands on hips, telling everyone they needed to eat their broccoli in the stir fry.

Julie smirked. “She keeps us on our toes.”

“How’s the baby?” Steph asked.

“Doing better. Sleeping longer at night.”

They all watched Dave with their son for a moment while he talked to Steph’s parents.

“I can’t believe your parents came out,” Julie said. “Did you have any idea?”

“None at all.” Steph felt the tears start up again. “I didn’t even know Cal had their numbers.”

“Probably got them from Pops,” Julie suggested.

She nodded. Her gaze skirted the rest of the gathering. Everyone she loved was here—in the same room. It was remarkable. Cal was remarkable.