“The guys are never gonna let me live this down.” My head thunks against the back of the chair as I try to remind myself that I asked him to marry me because I knew life would never be boring.

“We could’ve put them on our asses, like I first suggested,” Tripp unhelpfully says.

“Yeah, because when I’m old and decrepit I want the equivalent of a wrinkled raisin on my ass.”

“But they’d be matching wrinkled raisins.”

“I thought the whole point was to show that we’re together.” I sigh heavily.

“These do, and personally I think I nailed it. I mean, look at all the little Easter eggs in this design. Your hobbies, my hobbies, all bundled up in a little heart that screams gay pride to boot. Tell me that’s not poetic.”

“Still not gay,” I remind him.

“For me you are.” He bites his adorable bottom lip like the little brat he is, and my agitation fades instantly.

“Yeah, Tripp.” I smile affectionately. I stopped trying to figure out what label fit me best once I realized that didn’t change how I felt about him. Still, he’s never been more right. “For you I am.”

Chapter two



My friend Xander is in it... The guy swore off relationships, specifically with closeted men, then went and fell for one anyway. A big brute with a heart of gold—so he says—who also happens to be a hockey god, or Rookie of the Year if I’m being literal, but to me they’re one in the same.

I think it was the massive cock that tipped the scales. Not that I’ve actually seen Niko's cock, but the man is huge, so… Probability and all that.

Speaking of probability, I’ve been hoping that Xander dating Niko would translate into me snagging a hockey god of my own, since I occasionally hang out with them now. It’s one of the perks of being his closest friend, and a perk I intended to use and abuse.

Luckily, the other players don’t seem to mind my relentless flirting. They probably don’t take me seriously, even though I’m absolutely serious—I’d do them all and twice on Sunday. That’s how much I like sex. And dick. And showing straight guys what they’re missing. Especially the ones who are taller and stronger than me, which is like trying to find a needle in a haystack since I’m tall and strong myself, but my new hockey friends fit the bill. Every last one of them. I'd lick them all given the chance.

There’s one in particular I’ve had my eye on though. He's a Thor lookalike who either doesn’t care or is too polite to say no when I invent reasons to touch him. Not without permission—I’m bold, but not a creep—and since he hasn’t denied me, I plan to keep asking.

Xander hates that I’m brazen enough to ask to touch a man, gay or not, but I refuse to be ashamed of my sexuality. That and I’d rather push buttons early on to see if people can handle me than do the polite thing and find out later they can’t. Thanks to years of childhood therapy I was unwillingly subjected to, I know that’s a defense mechanism so people don’t disappoint me. I’ll never admit that though. I prefer to think of my obnoxious tendencies as a sparkling character trait.

Speaking of handling me, Thor—it’s actually Noah, but to me he’s Thor—appears to be just fine with my antics, and as long as he allows it, I’ll touch that hot body every chance I get. Therein lies the problem. I want to touch that particular hot body so bad I haven’t been trying to touch any others, and for a guy who prides himself on his shameless sexual escapades, that’s nothing short of concerning.

I’m not a one-man type of guy. I don’t do relationships. And don’t even get me started on love. That particular emotion doesn’t apply to me. I’m an advocate of one-night-stands, and I’m not ashamed of it. Or the fact that I’m gay.

I don’t wear it on my sleeve—you won’t find rainbow clothes in my closet—and though I’m lean I’m not small. No one would label me as effeminate, much less gay based on my appearance alone. However, if I see something I like… I’m not afraid to ogle. And I’ll ask to touch. In Thor’s case, he hasn’t said no, but he hasn’t encouraged or reciprocated either. He merely obliges when I give him a line about being curious if his arms are bigger than both my hands.

I might’ve given up trying to get my hands on him if it weren’t for the fact I’ve caught him looking at me from time to time. In the beginning those looks were curious. Contemplative. Now, I’d swear there’s an undercurrent of desire to them, especially as they track my movements on my board.

His eyes linger longer than they used to. They wander from my face to my torso. And while the looks haven’t crossed into outright lust, I’d like to think that’s coming. Which is why, nearly a year after first meeting him, I haven’t rid myself of this infatuation. In fact, I think it’s time to take it to the next level, and since he happens to be sitting poolside next to Niko as Xander and I skate shirtless inside the empty bowl, I’m thinking today is the day to up the ante.

“Points to Niko for picking a house with its own private skatepark so you can ride to your heart’s content, but it’s hot as fuck out here,” I complain to Xander as we ride up to the rim and step off our boards.

“It’s Denver in late July. What did you expect?” My always grumpy friend says.

“I expect a man with as much money as your boyfriend to plant some trees. Or maybe, he can get one of those industrial sized fans. Hell, he could even hire people to stand around the edge with giant palm leaves. Preferably sexy, shirtless men. Like his teammates.”

“He plays hockey for a living. You think he ever has to worry about overheating?” Typical Xander, ignoring my attempt to get a rise out of him.

“I have at least half a dozen smart-ass responses for that but it’s too hot for my brain to do brain things and pick the best one. Instead, I’ll have to settle for a drink.” I drop into the pool, gliding around the perimeter one last time before popping over the rim in front of the two stacked athletes lounging by the side.

Despite the scorching sun, my body shivers as I feel Noah’s eyes wander over me. “Toss me one of those?” I nod to the cooler of drinks sitting between them.

Noah lobs a can in my direction, but rather than popping the top and slamming it back, I swipe the cool aluminum over my chest, feeling my nipples pebble from the cold.