“What happened to your hair?” The woman laughs as he puts her down. Niko, Xander and I exchange confused looks.

“Mine? What happened to yours?”

“I got old.”

“Well, I got daring.”

“You were always daring. That’s why you got into so much trouble.” She pokes at his chest.

“We both know that wasn’t the only reason.” He rolls his eyes playfully, catching mine as he does, and waving me over.

“Rose, meet my boyfriend, Noah,” he says when I reach them. “Noah, the old lady who raised me.” He slings an arm around her shoulder and lowers his head to her ear, and even though they’re slightly turned away from me, I can just barely make out the words, “You finally found a good family to work for, huh?”

“Mr. Preston—”

“I don’t go by that anymore. Call me Tripp.”

“Mr. Tripp—”

“Rose, kindly let our guests make it all the way into the house.” A stern baritone voice cuts into their conversation, and though it’s quiet enough not to be heard across the room, both Tripp and Rose visibly stiffen. Then Tripp takes a deep breath and drops his arm from Rose’s shoulders as he spins around to face the voice. Following his gaze, I locate the man just in time to see his jaw fall slack as his face goes white.

Charles Cooper casts a wary glance to either side before pasting a composed look on his harsh features, speaking with an obviously forced calm. “Preston. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“That makes two of us, Pop.” Tripp’s voice holds an air of disdain and mocking as he over enunciates the ‘P.’

“Pop?” I mouth to Niko and Xander, both of whom shrug helplessly. Is this…?

“You know I don’t appreciate that name,” Charles says, his disapproving gaze bouncing between Tripp and Rose.

“I don’t appreciate mine either. I prefer Tripp.”

“What sort of a name is that?” He looks down his nose at my boyfriend, despite the fact he’s no taller.

“You don’t recognize it? It was your doing actually, since you always made a point to tell me how much I was tripping up.” Tripp’s grin borders on maniacal as he stares his father down, which garners a few curious looks from the guests trickling in.

“Uncivilized as always,” Charles mutters as Rose retreats to the far wall, out of the line of fire, it would appear.

“So,” Tripp spins around, taking in the ornate entry, with its curved staircase and expensive artwork. “Nice digs. I’d say I wondered where you went after you ditched the old place, but I really didn’t. Although, I am flattered you went to such lengths to make sure I couldn’t find you.”

“Evidently, not enough. If you wanted to speak you should’ve called my office.”

“As if your staff didn’t have strict orders to turn me away,” Tripp huffs.

“Yes, well. This is a private event.” Charles runs a hand over his silver hair despite the fact not a single strand is out of place.

Tripp’s eyes find mine, and for the first time since this exchange started, I get the sense he’s not sure what to say.

“Actually, Tripp’s here as my guest.” I step in.

Charles looks in my direction, his demeanor smoothly shifting from cold and callous to warm and inviting when recognition hits. “Noah, I’m sorry I didn’t see you there. It’s been years since I’ve seen my son and I was momentarily distracted. Welcome.” He holds his hand out, though I make no move to take it, having no desire to after the exchange I just heard.

The purpose of this event is to help underprivileged youth, and based on the way the man’s treating his own son, I’m starting to question how charitable he really is.

“I saw you suffered an injury earlier this season,” he lowers his hand and continues as if I didn’t just slight him. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better. Tripp’s been helping me with my recovery.”

“That’s what doctors are for, right?” Another silver-haired man appears out of nowhere, placing a hand on Tripp’s shoulder.