Gentle hands stroke my face as our lips brush softly together. The tender touch somehow even more intense than the passionate kisses we’ve shared previously, despite the fact it’s not making my dick hard. And the crazy thing is, I don’t even care. I’m sort of content to have no ulterior motive, no end goal driving me forward. I just like the comfort of Noah’s mouth on mine, giving me the stability and support and care I didn’t think I wanted, but now can’t imagine going without.

As Noah’s tongue meets mine, it occurs to me I’ve never been kissed like this before, with reverence and respect. It’s so sweet yet so powerful, I feel like I’m melting and flying at the same time. Invincible and vulnerable, but not scared like I was earlier. Not with Noah. He makes me feel…whole.

Chapter 21 - Noah

“Oh …” I lick my lips and swallow thickly as Tripp emerges from the bathroom in his tux, tugging casually at the cuffs peeking out from under the jacket. It’s a mundane action but his catlike grace makes it look effortless and sexy in a refined, aristocratic sort of way. The blond hair and dark stubble on the other hand, coupled with the bowtie slung around his open collar, gives him a downright sinful air.

“You like?” He smirks impishly.

“I like.” I cross the room to meet him, resting my hands on his hips while I nip at his plump bottom lip. “I like it so much I sort of want to bend you over right here, right now.”

“That sounds better than your stuffy charity party.” He tilts his head to the side so I can kiss along the side of his neck.

“If I didn’t like the cause, I’d skip it.”

He rubs his stubbled cheek against mine. “What’s the cause again?”

“Underprivileged youth.”

“I suppose that’s worthy of delayed gratification.” Tripp sighs heavily.

“I know I should be thinking of the cause.” He groans softly as I pull him to me, rubbing our pelvises together. “But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the idea of showing up with the sexiest man alive on my arm.”

“Ooh, flattery will get you a blow job.” Tripp’s fingers dance over the back of my neck.

“Give me a blow job and then you can have my ass.” I bite down gently on his earlobe and give it a little tug, which makes him shiver.

“Deal, although if I top, I may have to ruin your man-bun. Even though it’s sexy as fuck, I’ll need something to hold onto while I pound you into the mattress.” He swivels his hips, pressing his semi-hard cock against mine.

“Jesus, we’re never gonna get out of here if we keep this up.”

“You could always just write a fat check and we can get straight to stripping each other down.” Tripp slides my hands to his ass, encouraging me to give it a firm squeeze.

“I wish I could.” I lick into his mouth—he’s been wholly on board with more kissing since our talk last week—groaning when his tongue meets mine. “We have to show up at several of these a year. Might as well get this one out of the way.”

I start to pull away, but Tripp squeezes the base of my neck. “I know you said this already, but are you sure you’re ready for this? Our first outing doesn’t have to be so public.”

“This is only our first outing because I’m finally healthy enough to hide my injury. And the Bulldogs organization already knows about us, so who cares if the rest of the world does.”

That was an interesting conversation, not because the top execs objected to me dating a man, but because Tripp and my coach, Xander’s dad, have very different ideas about what classifies as acceptable public behavior. In his defense, Tripp insists the guys gave him permission to feel how strong their pecs were before he touched them during the first team cookout he attended, which was long before my arrival. The act got him banned from all cookouts until Xander got tired of attending on his own and dragged Tripp along last year.

Still, I had to assure Coach that Tripp wouldn’t draw unnecessary attention to himself if we went public. I hate that stipulation—Tripp’s antics are part of who he is, and I don’t want him to have to change since he’s dating me. Fortunately, he said—privately of course—that being a little less crass is a small price to pay to have my cock all to himself. His words.

“I guess coming out is one way to take the focus off your injury.” Tripp slides his hand from my neck to my chest, resting it over my heart. “And it might be sort of fun to watch people try to keep a straight face when you introduce me.”

“It’s the twenty-first century. I doubt any of them will give it a second thought.”

“Bet?” He arches a sly brow.

“What are we betting?”

“I get to spank you this time.” A wicked grin spreads across his face.

“Fine.” I shrug. At this point, there are so many things he's helped me discover, most of which I never expected to like, let alone enjoy. What's one more? I won't say no until I try it. “And if I win, you move in.”

Just like he did during the boyfriend conversation, Tripp freezes, his breath coming in shaky spurts. I’m still not sure what causes him to react this way—I figure he’ll tell me when he's ready—but I’m not going to avoid the topic of us just because it scares him. We wouldn’t be here right now if I did, and aside from not skating, this has been the best week of my life.

I wrap my hand around the back of his neck and lean my forehead against his as I put my other hand on his chest. “You’ve been staying here a solid month, and nothing bad has happened, right?”