“Breathe.” His gentle reminder comes as a slippery fist circles my cock. “Focus on my hand. Feel it sliding over your dick, nice and slow. That feels nice, right? The way you fit in my hand. I think this is my favorite cock in the world, besides mine. It’s so big and long and thick.”

“Are you trying to distract me by complimenting my dick?” I grit.

“It worked. I’m all the way in.” Two things register at once. My ass is almost uncomfortably full, and Tripp’s voice sounds off. I open my eyes to find his jaw locked tight, the tendons in his neck visible underneath the skin as he takes shaky breaths. He’s stunning.


“I need a second. You’re… Fuck, you’re so tight.” In all the times we’ve been together, I can’t say I’ve ever seen Tripp with such a tenuous grip on his control. The sight pushes out all lingering traces of discomfort and fills me with a mixture of gratitude and pride.

Whether this is the start of something real or the end of something fleeting, knowing I have such a profound effect on another person will always be seared in my memory. I’ll forever be marked by this experience, and I’m guessing he will, too.

I’m still staring, admiring the beauty of his tightly coiled features, when his eyes flutter open and lock onto mine.

“Tripp,” I groan, though whether it’s a plea or a warning I’m not sure.

He lets go of my dick and leans over me, trapping it between our bodies as he braces his hands on either side of my chest and ghosts his lips over mine. “Grab my ass. You control the pace.”

I cup his cheeks in my hands as he starts to move, rocking slowly back and forth to help me adjust. It’s awkward at first, but after a few pumps my channel adapts, welcoming the slide of his cock.

The friction of his stomach on my shaft feels divine, but the weight of his steel length against my prostate is pure heaven. Within seconds, I’m back in that trance-like state, where I’m so overcome with bliss my mind shuts down and my body runs on autopilot.

My carnal urges take control, hips rolling to give Tripp better access as my biceps struggle to pull him closer. Yet even as I strain to bring us together, there’s no urgency behind my movements. No rush to reach the finish. I simply want to feel him everywhere.

Dropping to his forearms so we’re chest to chest, Tripp pistons his hips in long, languid strokes, hitting all my pleasure points with each thrust. Sweat pools between us as we rock into each other, the sound of our labored breathing echoing in the room around us.

My hole flexes and contracts as Tripp brushes over my prostate, causing him to groan. “Holy fuck, big guy. Your ass is heaven. I’m not gonna last.”

Gripping him tighter, I help him spear in and out of my channel, increasing our pace as we charge toward the finish. Suddenly we’re face-to-face, breathing each other’s air as we grunt with the effort to get deeper, closer, more.

And then time stops. The tension in my balls explodes through my tip, drenching us both in my cum as I clamp down on the cock pulsing inside me. Mouths hovering above each other, frozen in a silent scream, wave after wave of tremors wrack through us as our hips buck through our release. Trapped between us, my dick twitches and spurts as we rock against each other, wringing out every last quiver of our orgasm.

Warm liquid gushes out of my hole as Tripp’s mouth rests against mine. Not kissing just, breathing, which is more intimate and somehow not at the same time. Then he lifts his chest off mine with shaky arms and gives me a lazy grin. “I’m not gonna have to fight you for the bottom now, am I?”

I know that’s supposed to be an offhand comment, nothing to read into. But I read into it anyway, clinging to the hope that it means there’s more of this… of us in our future. “I know how to take turns.”

“Good to know.” He winks as he pulls out and offers me a hand to sit up. “Want me to make sure you don’t get lost in your shower?”

That’s an olive branch, I think. Offering to help under the guise I need it instead of admitting he likes to shower with me. And since tonight was a big step for both of us, I won’t press for more. But one day soon I will—I don’t want to live in limbo now that I know who I am and what I want—and hopefully he’ll be ready to take that step with me.

“Right behind you.” I let him pull me up.

Chapter 20 - Tripp

“I didn’t know you were going blond again,” Noah says when I get home—home?

“Green tips are too difficult to maintain. They start to fade pretty quickly, and the boss man doesn’t like me taking an extended lunch every week to get my hair colored, which is really a shame because I wouldn’t mind trying a dark blue next.”

Noah’s eyes dart to mine, telling me he knows exactly where the blue idea came from, just like I intended. “I didn’t realize it was that labor intensive to have colored hair.”

“Depends on the color.” I point to my freshly bleached hair.

“So, I have a question for you,” he says as he takes two of his chef’s premade meals out of the oven.

“You know you don’t have to ask to bottom, right? You can just tell me that’s what you’re in the mood for.” I palm his delectable ass and give it a nice squeeze since I’ve become well-acquainted with it over the last week. Even though we agreed to take turns, he’s still working up to the point where he can take me without a lot of prep, and I am happy to oblige.

“Noted.” He smirks. “But that’s not what I was going to ask.”

“Okay, what’s up?” I snatch a piece of broccoli off one of the plates and pop it in my mouth. Still can’t believe I actually like the green stuff his chef makes.