Page 308 of Bad Pucking Influence

“Noah Tremblay, do not pretend to be ignorant about this. Live-in boyfriends get sex morning, noon and night. It’s the most important requirement.”

I lift my brows in mock surprise. “There are requirements for living together?”

“Several.” He raises his forefinger. “First, do not wake me up at the ass crack of dawn if you have to go to practice or catch a flight or something. Second,” he raises another finger. “If you do wake me up at the ass crack of dawn, the only acceptable way to do so is with a complimentary blow job. Third, I get to wear your clothes but you can’t wear mine because they’re too small, boxer-briefs excluded because your cock will look fantastic in my smaller underwear. Fourth, the aforementioned sex, and fifth,” he lifts a final finger, “while it’s not a rule per se I propose we don’t need clothes in the house.”

“I accept your terms.” I hold my hand out for him to shake it. “Except for the last one. If you’re naked all the time I’ll be hard all the time, and there are some things it’s not smart to do with an erection.”

“Name one.”


“Pfft. You have a chef for that.”

“True, but you like when I cook for you and neither of us wants me to burn my dick because I’m distracted by your sexy ass.”

Tripp purses his lips as he seems to consider my point, finally taking my hand when he relents. “I suppose preserving your manhood is an acceptable reason not to be naked all the time.”

Once I have his hand in mine I pull him toward me and slam our mouths together, swiping my tongue against his as I tease the hair on the back of his neck. “I’m glad you agree,” I rumble. “Now let’s finish packing.”

“So bossy.” He stuffs more shirts in the bag, concentrating for about two minutes before he speaks up again. “Can I have an office?”

“Don’t you have one of those already?”

“Not for my job, job, although I’m not giving up on the work from home idea. For my hobby job, helping local bands.”

I’ve been so focused on my recovery I forgot all about that passion of his, which makes me feel like shit. I know how much he likes working with bands–one of the first conversations we had was when I ran into him at a concert and he showed me what he was doing with his video equipment–and he hasn’t been to a concert since he started crashing at my place.

“You haven’t missed any work because of me, have you?”

“It’s not work, it’s a hobby. And no, I haven’t missed any. I’ve missed several shows while I was taking care of your ass, but since that ass is now mine I’ll forgive you.” He cracks one of those shirts on my backside before tucking it into the bag.

I throw a pair of socks at his head. “Yes, you can have an office. If you take me to the concerts with you.”

“Um duh. My famous boyfriend is my backstage ticket, so of course you’re going with me. I might even add that to my list of live-in-boyfriend requirements. It'd be a shame for me not to meet fancy people because my fancy boyfriend isn't there to flex his name.”

“So, you’re just using me for my celebrity access?”

“And your big fat cock.” He flings the socks at my crotch, but I catch them before they hit the target and put them in the bag. “Fucking goalies,” he mutters.

“Hey now. It’s a good thing my reflexes are so fast, otherwise with your aim you might jeopardize the morning, noon and night sex you’re counting on.”

“Omigosh” Tripp’s eyes go comically wide. “I don’t know why I never thought of this before, but you literally put your body in front of flying objects. What happens if you take a puck to the dick?”

Of course that’s his biggest concern. “I wear protection.”

“Yes, but how much can those pads really protect you? I don’t like the idea of my most prized possession being in the line of fire. I mean, I’m happy to kiss it all better if it gets hit, but I don’t think my kisses can fix a bent carrot.”

“Bent carrot?” I arch an eyebrow.

“Haven’t you ever seen the commercials?” He rolls his eyes. “Penile trauma is a thing. They can give you medicine, but I’m not sure that’s a cure. Your cock fits in me perfectly, and I’d prefer not to mess with perfection.”

“Perfection, huh?” I stifle a laugh. “And here I thought your cock was your most prized possession?”

He waves a hand dismissively. “It’s more of a tie at this point. I mean, I guess I could exclusively top, but I really do like to switch. How close are you to retirement? I’m not sure how long I can live with the stress of you suffering permanent damage.”

Knowing Tripp, I have no doubt he’s legitimately concerned about the well-being of my penis. But I suspect that pales in comparison to what’s really going on in his head, and this little rant is his way of coping with whatever’s on his mind.

“Are you having second thoughts about moving in?” I ask.