Page 247 of Bad Pucking Influence

My eyes widen on their own accord as my jaw drops.

“Yes, I knew about that. A few joints clearly intended for personal use wouldn’t have landed you in too much trouble, but I stepped in to help make that go away at your father’s request. They told me it was because of the drug incident that they sent you to school, although I now know they kicked you out.”

“Then they told you I became a doctor.” I put the pieces together. “And you believed that?”

“I did find it strange since I knew you to be an artistic kid, but military schools aren’t exactly known for their art programs, so I thought it was possible you discovered an aptitude for science.”

“You didn’t think it was strange that I never came home?”

“Since I knew you weren’t overly close with your parents, no. Plus, they spend half their time in Washington, so I had no reason to think they were making up stories that you visited them there.”

I chew my lip, considering his words. “The lack of family photos wasn’t a clue?”

“Are there any family photos in their house?”

“Good point.” I laugh without any humor. “Still, you’re their closest friend.”

“Was. We haven’t been close in years. Your father’s ambition out-paced mine a long time ago. While we kept in touch sporadically, that was more out of a sense of obligation than desire. We’re both prominent men in the community, and our decades-long friendship has been well-documented. It was easier to go through the motions than to sever ties. That’s why I owe you an apology. Your parents and I may have drifted apart, but I was still your Godfather, and I failed you.”

This is a lot to take in, and while part of me wishes he had done more when I was a kid, I can see how my parents manipulated him the same way they did me.

“They failed me, not you.”

“I’m a grown man, son. I can admit when I’ve screwed up, but I’d like to do better going forward. If you’re open to that.”

Not that long ago it was just me. And maybe Xander in a platonic way. Now I have a boyfriend, several friends, the only mother I’ve ever known and possibly an uncle in my life. It’s been a weird several weeks.

“Um, yeah. I’m open to that.”

“Wonderful.” His smile is almost blinding. “Maybe you and that young man of yours can come over for dinner. I’d love to hear more about how you helped him after his injury.”

“You remember the part about me not being a doctor, right?”

“Of course, but he said you helped him get through it.” Uncle Callahan’s brow wrinkles.

“Yeah, you probably don’t want the details on that.” Omigod am I blushing? I don’t blush. What is happening?

“Perhaps not.” Uncle Callahan clears his throat. “He’s special to you though, yes?”

“I–” It’s on the tip of my tongue to downplay my feelings since they still terrify me, but I can’t get the lie out.

Somewhere in the midst of helping Noah sort his shit, he helped me sort mine. Not that either of us realized I was the bigger mess when we made our little arrangement, but he’s taking it in stride, and while I still have my moments of panic, deep down I know he’ll be there to help me get through it. That my man will do anything for me, because he loves me.

He loves me.

And I totally, completely, unequivocally, love him.

“Yes. He’s special to me.”

Uncle Callahan gives me a warm smile. “I’m happy to hear that, son. You deserve it.”

“It doesn’t bother you that I’m with a man?”

Now, he seems to turn a little pink in the cheeks. “There’s a reason I never married, son.”

“You… You’re gay?” When he doesn’t say anything I continue. “And you’re still in the closet.”

“You’re a lot braver than I ever was. Than I am.” Uncle Callahan looks at me like… Wow, this is… Is he proud of me? It sort of feels like he is. I…