Page 230 of Bad Pucking Influence

My thighs relax as Tripp probes the area, lulling me deeper into an aura of bliss as a contented moan rumbles from my throat.

“Fuck, that’s a sexy sound,” Tripp rasps as the pressure on my hole suddenly increases. “First finger. Let me hear it again.”

This time I utter more of a groan as my hole strains around the slight disturbance, and while it feels interesting enough that I want him to continue, the fullness of his finger inside me seems similar to... “Oh God. Is it supposed to feel like I have to take a shit?”

“Jesus. And people accuse me of talking without thinking,” he scoffs as his finger pumps leisurely back and forth, which after the initial shock feels pretty good. I don’t want him to stop. “You’re lucky I have a one-track mind,” he continues, “because I’m horny enough to ignore that comment.”

“Sorry, it’s just… I didn’t know how else to describe it.”

“Don’t describe it, just feel it. I’m adding another finger.”

The burn of the stretch takes over and I squirm uncomfortably until I feel a firm grip wrap about my cock. Suddenly, the discomfort is replaced with the familiar tingle of arousal. Tripp’s fist strokes up and down my length, and a wet heat surrounds my crown. Something that’s part moan, part sigh passes through my lips as my body tries to process the torrent of sensations flooding though it. Between the suction on my tip, the pressure on my shaft, and the fullness in my ass, I don’t know which way is up. Torn between the need to fight for control or bucking my hips wildly, my muscles throw in the towel, turning to jelly as I give myself over to the whirlpool of stimulation coursing through me.

My dick falls out of Tripp’s mouth with an audible pop. “There you go. Nice and relaxed. Now, let’s make your cock dance.”

Something shifts inside me, and my dick lurches upward as a bolt of pure electricity ricochets throughout my body. “Holy shit!” I cry, propping myself on my elbows so I can look down my body. “What the hell was that?”

“Big guy, meet your prostate.” I feel another shift deep in my core—Tripp’s fingers—and my cock lurches again as a fresh drop of precum oozes out.

“Jesus.” My head falls back onto the cushions as I gasp for air, a wicked laugh the only warning before he nudges it again, and again. I writhe beneath him, realizing that my prior understanding of bliss was sorely lacking.

With each swipe of his finger, my muscles contract, spasms wracking my body to what would be the point of pain if they weren’t so euphoric. I’ve never felt pleasure like this. It’s like I’m vibrating on a higher plane of existence. My body is so stimulated it can’t contain my consciousness, and I'm so zoned out it’s hard to form words.

“Is this…? When I…?”

“That’s right, big guy. This is what it feels like when you fuck me. Ready for my dick?”

I can’t speak. Can’t moan. Can’t even move my head. I think I blink though, which earns me a little peck on the lips as Tripp mumbles, “Fuck yeah.”

The ecstasy bubble pops as Tripp’s hands leave my body, and I whimper at the loss. Then I notice him shedding his clothes and lubing his cock.

Licking my lips, I watch his fist slide over his length. I don’t know if he looks so big because of the lack of pubic hair, or because he really is big. Either way, the smooth skin stretched taut over his shaft is a mesmerizing sight. The view is even more enticing with the gel coating his skin, making it glisten in the light. “It’s gonna be uncomfortable at first.” Tripp lines himself up to my hole. “Breathe through it.”

The pressure is sudden and intense, forcing my eyes to snap shut as I choke on a breath of air.

“Breathe.” His gentle reminder comes as a slippery fist circles my cock. “Focus on my hand. Feel it sliding over your dick, nice and slow. That feels nice, right? The way you fit in my hand. I think this is my favorite cock in the world, besides mine. It’s so big and long and thick.”

“Are you trying to distract me by complimenting my dick?” I grit.

“It worked. I’m all the way in.” Two things register at once. My ass is almost uncomfortably full, and Tripp’s voice sounds off. I open my eyes to find his jaw locked tight, the tendons in his neck visible underneath the skin as he takes shaky breaths. He’s stunning.


“I need a second. You’re… Fuck, you’re so tight.” In all the times we’ve been together, I can’t say I’ve ever seen Tripp with such a tenuous grip on his control. The sight pushes out all lingering traces of discomfort and fills me with a mixture of gratitude and pride.

Whether this is the start of something real or the end of something fleeting, knowing I have such a profound effect on another person will always be seared in my memory. I’ll forever be marked by this experience, and I’m guessing he will, too.

I’m still staring, admiring the beauty of his tightly coiled features, when his eyes flutter open and lock onto mine.

“Tripp,” I groan, though whether it’s a plea or a warning I’m not sure.

He lets go of my dick and leans over me, trapping it between our bodies as he braces his hands on either side of my chest and ghosts his lips over mine. “Grab my ass. You control the pace.”

I cup his cheeks in my hands as he starts to move, rocking slowly back and forth to help me adjust. It’s awkward at first, but after a few pumps my channel adapts, welcoming the slide of his cock.

The friction of his stomach on my shaft feels divine, but the weight of his steel length against my prostate is pure heaven. Within seconds, I’m back in that trance-like state, where I’m so overcome with bliss my mind shuts down and my body runs on autopilot.

My carnal urges take control, hips rolling to give Tripp better access as my biceps struggle to pull him closer. Yet even as I strain to bring us together, there’s no urgency behind my movements. No rush to reach the finish. I simply want to feel him everywhere.