Page 226 of Bad Pucking Influence

Have we crossed into friends with benefits territory instead of fuck buddies? Probably. However, I refuse to accept that repeated, mind-blowing orgasms shouldn’t be enjoyed to the fullest, so that’s what I’m doing, even if it means I sometimes, occasionally fall asleep in his arms.

And wake up there.


“He can’t stop touching it,” I gush to Xander. “Before we go to bed, first thing when we wake up, in the shower... He even edged me while I was playing video games.”

“I don’t need to know that.” Xander winces slightly and shakes his head.

“Of course, you do, because it’s actually super-hot. Noah’s not a gamer but he said he needed something to do while I play, so I let him hold my dick, which turned into me riding his while I shot up bad guys. And staying focused on the game while you’re getting jerked off and pegged is no easy feat, let me tell you. I did pretty well, though. I only team-killed, like, three guys.”

“TMI.” Xander presses his hands to his ears.

I pull them down with an eye roll. “I listened to all your shit with Niko. The least you can do is listen to mine.”

“I literally never told you anything about our sex life.”

“Which is a travesty since that man is fucking glorious, and you’re only forgiven since it led to me meeting Noah. Did I mention he loves my cock? The other day, he had his head in my lap while we were watching TV, and for no reason at all he just pulled it out and started sucking on it, and…”

“Tripp!” Xander hisses.

“What?” I blink, leaning back slightly since he sort of yelled at me at whisper volume.Xander's gotten frustrated with me before, but he's never yelled. Not once, no matter how much I overshare. Now he’ll never hear the juiciest part of that story, which I was tempted to share. That for some strange reason I was fine with Noah’s head in my lap. I wouldn't have minded even if blow jobs weren't included.

Xander closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger with a heavy sigh. “Do you think Noah would be okay with you telling me all this?”

“I mean, you’re not some random guy, you're his teammate’s boyfriend. Besides, it’s just sex.”

Xander drops his hand and gives me a withering look. “Is it?”

I’m not usually speechless, but my mouth opens and shuts at least three times before I blurt, “Well, what would you call it?”


My mouth has trouble forming words again. “It’s not dating if you’ve never been on a date.”


“Semantics are pretty important, you know. Critical even. And aside from the fact that we haven’t been on a date, I don’t date. So, your definition doesn’t apply.” I’m rambling, but since that’s normal for me I figure he won’t make an issue of it.

“Does cohabitating work better for you?”

I gasp with as much disgust as I can muster. “I would never—”

“How many nights have you spent at your place in the last two weeks?”

“I’ve been playing nurse. You know that.” I cross my arms over my chest.

“And how much nursing are you doing? Noah’s got a chef and a physical therapist, and he should be walking by now if his recovery is on track. So, what’s your role, exactly?”

“I gave him a foot massage the other day,” I blurt defensively, realizing a little too late that won’t help my case.

“You hate feet.” Xander smirks knowingly, forcing me to double down.

“Which clearly demonstrates what a good nursing job I’m doing.”

“Or it says you like Noah.”

“Of course, I like him. He’s a friendly guy and he’s got a beautiful cock.” I lift a nonchalant shoulder.