Page 137 of Bad Pucking Influence

“Oh right. I see the difference.” I manage to keep a straight face even though I snort. “You all better grab some or there will be leftovers and I can’t be held responsible if this guy makes it two cheat days in a row.” I plop down next to Noah and take an oversized bite so I can give my mouth something to do other than talk, which I know they’re all expecting. Normally, I would, but in this case, I need to follow Noah’s lead, and since I don’t know what he wants to share during circle time, I plan to keep my mouth too full to put my foot in it.

One by one, the guys help themselves to a slice and join us on the couch, listening intently as Noah explains his prognosis, and looking slightly less pale when he assures them the timeframe for his return isn’t just getting back in goal, but being one hundred percent.

“Will you be at practice to help get Gauthier ready?” Niko asks.

I assume that’s the backup goalie.

“Coach wants me to lay low until I’m not visibly limping so no one can speculate what my injury is,” Noah says.

“Why?” Justus looks at his teammates in turn, clearly confused.

“Some guys would do anything for an advantage, including targeting someone’s weakness,” Luca says between bites. “Blaise on the Rockets is one of them, and we play them in a few weeks.”

“Seriously? That’s…” Justus trails off with a horrified expression.

“Um, how are you even a hockey player?” I ask him.


“You seem genuinely shocked that there might be competitive assholes on the ice with you. How do you get to this level and not realize this is a brutal sport?” I clarify.

“I mean, you can be brutal but still play a clean game.” Justus’s little cheeks flush pink. For real, how is he a pro?

“Not everyone has your skill.” Luca bumps him with an elbow, and I swear he gets even redder.

“Gauthier is totally capable.” Noah gets us all back on track. “He doesn’t have my reflexes, but he has good instincts. He plays smart. He’ll obviously lean on you guys more than I do since he doesn’t get as much playing time, but he’ll keep us in contention, and I’ll be back with more than half the season left.”

“You won’t be traveling with the team?” Luca’s voice is steady, but the way his eyes dart to Noah’s is anything but.

So he's the one Noah was talking about…

“Sorry.” Noah looks conflicted as he shakes his head. “We’ll figure something out.”

Figure something out? Does that mean… Whoa, did I just flare my nostrils?

“Yeah. Okay.” Luca offers a weak smile.

Noah takes a deep breath and taps my leg, pointing to his crutches. “I need to use the bathroom.”

I grab his oversize walking sticks and offer him a hand to pull him off the couch, making sure he’s steady before stepping out of his way. Then, out of the goodness of my heart with no ulterior motive whatsoever I ask, “Need me to hold your dick for you while you piss?”

Noah chuckles and shakes his head. “I think I’ve got it.”

“Always trying to get in his pants,” Niko laughs, completely oblivious to Xander’s wary gaze.

“I mean he has to take it out and have steady aim all while balancing on one leg. It’s a hazard if you ask me. Holding his dick is a small sacrifice to make sure he heals quickly.”

Niko rolls his eyes. “That sounds like something my sister would say.”

“I told you we’re two halves of a whole.” I point at Xander as I sit back down. “When is she coming back? I need a good night of debauchery.”

“I thought you were gay?” Justus looks at me with wide eyes.

“Not that kind of debauchery. The getting drunk and playing silly games kind. Maybe we’ll do Truth or Dare this time.”

“No one is allowed to fuck my sister,” Niko warns.

“Why would anyone do that?” Justus still looks comically aghast.