Page 119 of Bad Pucking Influence

“I mean, isn’t that what we’d be?”

“It is, but I like hearing you say it.” I shoot the last remaining soldier in the level and climb onto those thick thighs, facing the TV.

Noah holds his arms up like he’s been caught red handed. “Uh, what are you doing?”

“Foreplay.” I wink at him over my shoulder.

“This–What now?”

“I’ve still got two levels in this campaign, and I’m not taking the risk of you changing your mind.” I grind my ass over his lap, loving how it makes him inhale sharply. “So, foreplay. You just sit back and enjoy while I finish my game.” I turn my mic back on and tell the rest of my team I’m ready, rolling my hips in another circle while Noah’s hands fall limply to the cushions.

The level starts up with all of us on high alert, scoping out potential targets and shouting when we spot enemies. The tension of the game always makes me wiggle, even when there isn’t a hockey god underneath me, and now that there is… I’m playing dirty with the big guy, but the one constant so far is that he’s never quite sure how his body is going to react to sexy times, so I’ll use every trick in the book to help him get excited.

“On your left, T,” a voice echoes in my ear, and instead of turning my head toward the threat I tuck my hips and lean my weight to the left, pressing my ass into the slight bulge underneath me. A sharp gasp tells me Noah enjoyed that, so I do it again for good measure.

“One o’clock, Captain,” I tell my teammate, and our little group of soldiers move ahead on the screen. Thrusting my hips in a forward and back motion like I’m urging a horse forward, I earn myself a delicious moan from the beast underneath me, whose fists seem to be getting tighter and tighter by the second.

I give myself a mental pat on the back for being a creative genius and try to concentrate on the game—we’re sort of kicking ass right now—while still keeping things interesting for my hockey god.

“Shoot him, shoot him,” I shout to my teammate as the enemy tries to escape. My frantic bouncing pulls a series of soft grunts from deep in Noah’s throat and his legs tense under mine. I twist my head just in time to see his head fall back on the cushions, and I slow my movements so I can put even more pressure on the hard ridge between his legs.

The entire level, I bump and grind and generally torment the man underneath me to a chorus of moans and groans and ragged breathing. Fuck, I love that I can feel how much he wants me, evident in the ridgid length beneath me and the labored breath against my back. Honestly, my pride gets a bit of a kick out of it too, seeing as I’m now three for three as far as getting him worked up goes.

A tiny little voice in the back of my mind warns me that might not be a good thing. He may regard me as a fuck buddy now, but his caregiver personality makes me think casual isn’t in his wheelhouse. Plus, there are still lots of questions about his sexuality, and if he’s more pan or demi than bisexual, being an overachiever in the seduction department might backfire on me. It doesn't stop me from telling the voice to fuck right off, though. Surely, a few weeks of fun isn’t pushing it. And I really want my fun before we go back to being friends of friends or whatever.

“Ooh, that was close,” I tell Noah as I mute my mic and press the pause button on my hips. “We lost half our team and almost didn’t make it past that level.”

“So, you’re done?” His voice is deliciously scratchy.

I take a peek at him over my shoulder, struggling to keep the victorious smile off my face when I see how tightly he’s holding his jaw.

“Not yet, big guy.” I pat his chest before turning my attention back to the game. “One more level.”

“How long will that take?”

“Hard to say.” I play coy. “If we play well, thirty minutes or more. If we don’t, it could all be over in five.”

I’m about to turn my mic back on when a strong arm wraps around my waist, hauling me up just enough that I’m weightless for about two seconds before a blast of cool air hits my semi-hard cock. “What are you doing?” I glance down to see Noah has shoved my athletic shorts down to my thighs.

“Making it so you don’t play well.” He wraps a warm hand around me and starts gently kneading my dick, coaxing it to attention.

So, wow. Delayed gratification makes Noah kind of assertive. I like it.

“T, you there?” a voice crackles in my ear as I suppress an unexpected tremor.

Turning the mic on, I croak, “I’m here.”

“They’re trying to flank us. Hold your position.”

“Yeah, sure. Ungh.” I switch the mic off to conceal my groan as Noah cups my sac, tugging it gently before rolling my balls in his palm.

“Easy there, big guy. I need to concentrate.” I grit as I maneuver my avatar to face the oncoming attack.

“I’m not stopping you.” Noah presses my balls into the base of my shaft, giving them a final squeeze before they slip from his hand as he wraps it around my length.

“This is a serious game,” I scold even as my hips try to chase his hand. “It's the final level.”

“Okay.” He gives me a few languid strokes before clutching the tip in his firm hold, sending an unexpected jolt through my body as my eyelids grow heavy with lust.