Page 114 of Bad Pucking Influence

“No, for the winter. How nice would it be to soak in a hot tub after a game.”

“Better than an ice bath.” Noah shivers.

“Those ice baths are why you’re still the starting goalie at your age.” Luca reaches over and smacks his arm.

“I’m only two years older than you.”

“But you’re falling apart faster.”

“Goaltending is hard on the knees,” Noah mutters while Luca smirks.

“It’s bad enough camp starts Monday. Let’s not make it worse with talk about ice baths,” Niko groans.

“Weren’t you just talking about how you missed the ice last time I was here?” Noah asks him.

“Yes, but I miss it in an ‘it’d be fun to coast around the rink and take a few shots way’ not a ‘bust your ass till you drop’ way.”

“You only drop if you’re out of shape,” Luca sniggers.

“I just got back from visiting my family for several weeks, of course I’m out of shape.”

“Does your mom cook all your favorite childhood foods and guilt you if you don’t eat them too?” Justus asks.

“No, I just didn’t exercise.”

“Except for fucking,” I quip as Luca snorts.

“Why are you making us out to be sex-crazed?” Xander asks me.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

“It’s not all we do.”

“Doesn’t being in a relationship mean you get to fuck regularly? I would’ve thought that’s the biggest perk.” I look around the group for confirmation.

“It’s the only perk.” Luca nods in agreement. “Except for the fact you only get to bang that one person.”

“What’s wrong with only banging one person?” Justus asks.

“Nothing if that’s what you’re into. I like variety, which is why road games are my favorite,” Luca says.

“I’m honestly shocked at how much women adore you when you’re blatantly with a different one all the time,” Niko tells Luca.

“Puck bunny culture is weird, but my God, it's a wonderful thing.” Luca smiles dreamily.

The look on his face gives me an idea. “The gay crowd needs to get in on that. We could be the puck bucks and we could offer a special welcome to all the visiting teams.”

“A buck?” Justus frowns.

“I mean we could go with puck butts, though that seems a little crass to me.”

Xander snorts. “You’re worried about being crass?”

“Not particularly, but bunny has a touch of class to it and gay men deserve the same, even if we are just looking for big hockey sticks.”

“Isn’t a phrase for gay hockey chasers futile since there’s only one gay player in the league and he’s spoken for?” Luca asks me.

“Only one that we know of. I bet there are more thinking about following Niko’s lead. If we build it, they will come. Pun intended.”