Page 112 of Bad Pucking Influence

Mirroring his movements, I punch into his grip, the lube making it impossibly easy to seek out the friction driving me wild.

Tight. Hot. Hard. As soon as I register a sensation it’s replaced with a different one, all of them swirling together to create a tornado of ecstasy that drives all rational thought from my brain. Who I like, what I like, what it means… The questions dissolve as the pressure in my balls becomes overwhelming, the need to come all consuming.

My pelvis bucks wildly, a frenzied attempt to spear my length into Tripp’s fist as if it’s the key to nirvana, which it just might be, considering I’ve never felt desire of this magnitude.

“Holy shit, big guy,” Tripp pants as he tightens his grip. “I can feel your cock twitching in my hand. You’re gonna blow like a fucking volcano. Let me see it.”

The heat of his palm, the constriction of his fingers, and the slippery slide of our joined dicks combine until all that's left is utter euphoria. A full-body spike of awareness seizes me, causing my limbs to freeze for just a second, long enough to warn me that I’ve got no control over what comes next. And then it’s gone, along with the ability to feel anything other than the pleasure coursing between my legs.

My head falls back against the couch as a guttural moan rumbles up my throat. Bliss radiates from my groin, up my spine and down my arms, igniting my body with a rush of energy reminiscent of the way lights suddenly and blindingly illuminate the area when flicked on. Fingers clenching the cushions, my dick quivers and quakes as spurts of cum erupt from my tip, joining Tripp’s and coating us both with more evidence that my body may not be broken after all.

When my orgasm seems to have run its course, Tripp releases me. “See what happens when you get out of your head.”

I open my eyes to his smug grin, and the five sticky fingers he’s waggling between us.

Oh my God. He did it. I came, and it was… Everything.

Too stunned to move or speak, I watch helplessly as Tripp grabs his shirt from the couch and wipes us both down before hopping off me. “Dibs on the first shower.” He winks and saunters toward the stairs, leaving me breathless and—for the first time ever—boneless.

So, this is what good sex feels like. I can finally see the appeal.

Chapter 10 - Tripp

Xander and I have been skating for nearly an hour by the time Luca, Justus and Noah show up, joining Niko on the pool deck to watch while they have a few beers. Usually, I don’t mind an audience—I’m a show-off by nature—but Noah’s eyes on me have my stomach doing flips. Its a feeling I enjoy–fuck, maybe even crave–but it's typically a result of gravity bringing me back to Earth after soaring over the rim of the pool, not because of Thor.

Last night might have been the hottest encounter of my life, the first night with him a close second, and neither of those progressed to the point where I had to wrap my dick. Or his.

I always thought the best orgasms required sex, and the fact that doesn’t seem to be true with him is fucking with my head. So the urge to do it again, to want more of him in every carnal way–more than I did a few days ago–that's not normal for me.

I’m no stranger to chemistry or sexual tension. I live for the chase, but once I get what I want, the desire fades… just not with Noah. Is that because we haven’t fucked? Have our little encounters served to tease me? It's possible. Maybe once we've gone all the way, the lust will fade. At least, I'm hoping it will.

By then, Noah will have his answers. He'll know what he likes so he can enjoy sex the way nature intended and I'll get to return to my harmless but enjoyable flirtation. Business as usual.

“Your seven-twenty is looking good,” Xander remarks as I pop out of the bowl and roll to a stop next to him, rescuing me from the thoughts in my head.

“Thanks. I worked on it while you were gone.” As a tall man, spinning two full circles in the air isn’t the easiest trick to land. Unlimited use of Xander’s pool helped me figure it out. “You know, you still haven’t told me how my favorite half of the egg is doing after your little trip to Sweden.”

“Am I supposed to know what that means?” Xander squints at me.

“One egg, two people, duh.”

“You know boy/girl twins don’t come from the same egg, right?”

“I wasn’t referring to Niko, I was referring to me.” Niko may be his sister's biological twin, but I’m her twin in spirit. “Clearly, Anna and I are the same person in two different bodies. Ergo, half of my egg. Usually, people will be polite and call the other person the better half, but we all know that’s me so to spare her feelings we’ll share the title.”

Xander shakes his head the way he always does when my word vomit frustrates him. “You and Anna both have limited filters and like dicks. I’m pretty sure that’s where the similarities end.”

“Those similarities connect us in a way you can’t possibly understand. She’s my literal soul sister. No one gets me like she does.”

“You met her once.”

“And we bonded instantly. If she had a dick I’d have already proposed. Since she doesn't, I'll settle with her being my best bitch for life.”

Xander visibly shudders—my work here is complete—and changes the subject. “Moving on from that terrifying thought, why does Noah keep glancing at you and looking away like he got caught doing something wrong?”

Why indeed?

I can’t admit it’s probably a freak out over whether people will know another man has held his cock just by looking at him, which pretty much every guy wonders after their first gay experience. Spoiler alert- there’s no such thing as flashing neon sign or arrow over your head claiming you like dick.