Page 109 of Bad Pucking Influence

Nailed it.

“I’m not worried about the label.” Noah swirls his fork around his empty plate. “I just… For years I didn’t give myself time to be confused. I focused on hockey and didn’t let myself ask questions I didn’t have the answer to. After last night, I can’t make the questions stop.”

Oh shit. It’s not quite fatal attraction level clingy, but he’s trying to solve existential issues of attraction while I’m on more of a ‘bang him out of my system so my suddenly picky junk goes back to normal’ mission.

“These questions.” I rotate my wrist in a circle like that might help me find the right words. “Are they still along the lines of whether you like cocks or not?”


“Anything else?”

“Whether I’d finish…if a man touched me.”

I assume since he said man his questions must refer to men in general, not me specifically. I can work with that. And hallelujah because I really do want to get my hands on him. “I accept your terms. Show me this cake.”

Noah drops his fork with a clatter and sits ramrod straight. “My terms?”

“If you win the cake bet, I’ll play with your dick this time.” I wink and pop out of my chair, heading toward the living room. “Coming?”


“There’s literal stitching on that cake,” I protest, because even though I really want to touch Noah’s cock, I can’t turn off my competitive nature. “She cheated somehow. Leather stitching isn’t edible and the whole thing has to be edible, right?”

“The icing is meant to look like leather stitching.” Noah grabs the remote off the coffee table and rewinds the program to the close-up view of the baseball and mitt that a knife cuts through seconds later. And even though I’m well aware that there’s cake inside the mitt, my brain won’t let me accept the fact that it’s actually cake when it looks so real.

“Then you cheated. You’ve seen this one before and knew which was the cake.”

“This episode just got released last night. I haven’t had time to watch it until now.”

“You could’ve watched it while you were making dinner and conveniently suggested this little game knowing you’d win.”

“Right, because I knew we’d be making bets involving sexual favors and household chores.” His eyes have a playful little glint to them that I don’t normally see. Definitely flirting.

“You honestly expect me to believe you didn’t foresee this outcome? The way to a man’s dick is through his stomach, and you combined my two favorite things, meat and pie.” I raise my fingers as I list off my weaknesses. “Sneaky bastard.”

“A, I didn’t know meat—” he catches the smirk on my face and connects the dirty dots. “I didn’t know pie was one of your favorite things. And B, the saying is actually ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

“Not this man.” I shake my head vigorously.

“Are you saying you don’t have a heart?” Noah cocks his head to the side as his eyes drift over me.

“If I do it’d take a hell of a lot more than food to find it. My cock on the other hand,” I rush to change the subject, “responds to pretty much anything. But a bet’s a bet so tonight we get to play with yours.”

I drop to the floor and crawl between Noah’s thick thighs, noting how he tenses when my palm connects with his bare knee. “Change your mind?”

His head swivels so slowly it’s hard to tell whether it’s moving, but his mouth stays shut. I let my hand drift higher, fingertips sliding under the thin fabric of his shorts to press against the inside of his thigh. He sucks in a breath of air as his eyes grow wide, seemingly caught between wanting me to retreat or push forward.

“Okay?” I rub my thumb back and forth over the soft skin of his inner leg, hoping that will both soothe and excite him.

“Feels…” He exhales deeply as he relaxes into the cushions behind him. “Feels nice.”

Using far more control than I thought I possessed, I linger in the same spot, gently sliding my fingers over his skin as I watch him for signs of distress, another thing I’ve never tried to do with my hand inches from a guy’s junk.

Noah’s chest rises and falls with measured breaths, not panicked, but not without tension either. A forced calm, as if he’s both anxious and afraid to enjoy what I’m doing.

“Lean back and close your eyes,” I say softly.

The twist of his head is less hesitant now. “I want to watch.”