Page 103 of Bad Pucking Influence

“No. Sort of.”

“Which is it?”

“I don’t know,” he shouts, eyes growing wide as if his own volume takes him by surprise, and I get the sense I need to tread carefully because he maybe doesn’t know. Or doesn’t know what it means.

Rather than ask if he was affected by watching me, I operate under the assumption he was. “Noah, are you ashamed to get hard for another man?”


That’s promising, but it raises another question, one I’m almost afraid to ask. “Are you ashamed to get hard for me?”

He shakes his head firmly as a pink flush creeps up his cheeks. “No. I’m… I’m embarrassed.”

“Um, I’m standing here naked with my dick going soft and you’re embarrassed?”

“It’s…” He licks his lips as he runs a hand through the blond waves that hang just below his ears. “I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know what to expect. You’re…confident and proud and experienced and I’m… I told you this might not have the results you wanted.”

Before I can weigh whether it’ll comfort him or spook him, I straddle Noah’s legs and sit my naked ass on his lap. He goes stiff at first, leaning away to put some distance between our faces as he sucks in a breath of air. But he doesn’t make any attempt to get me to move. Then he relaxes into the couch with a slow exhale.

I rest my hands on his chest, noting the strong yet erratic heartbeat underneath them. “These are exactly the results I wanted. I showed you my dick, and you didn’t hate it.” I wiggle my hips slightly over the semi I feel underneath me. “Maybe you even liked it a little.”

“But I didn’t—I don’t even know if I can—and…” The poor guy looks so confused I’m tempted to take him in my arms and just hold him, which I might’ve done if a cringe-worthy scratch didn’t reverberate between my ears like a needle dragging over the surface of a record. Oh, thank God for imaginary warning bells. I don’t do the whole nurturing thing.

“My cock may be a work of art, but as far as I know it’s never made anyone come just from looking at it.” Noah cracks a timid smile, but of course I need to go bigger. “We can try if you want, though. I’m not shitting you about how magnificent that orgasm was. Apparently, showing off for a Thor-lookalike really does it for me, so I will gladly jerk off in front of you any time you want. Fuck, I’m getting excited just thinking about it.”

He chuckles softly, which was the original goal, but I’ve already taken it too far.

“That’s not an exaggeration. Look.” I lift my brows and drop my gaze. “Of course, it could be that I’m naked and sitting on top of a sexy as fuck man, but,” I clench my jaw as I try to keep my hips from rocking, “I like having your eyes on me.”

“Is this normal? For you?”

“Which part? Wanting to be watched or sitting naked on a man who’s fully clothed, which is also really doing it for me by the way.”

Noah let his eyes fall to my lap briefly before bringing them back to my face. “The ah, getting excited again part.”

I bite the corner of my lip and stare into his baby blues. “I’ve been known to recover quickly.”

“So, um. Does that mean you need to jerk off again?”

“I can.” I shift my palms from his chest, over his shoulders and down his arms until I find his hands, and set them on my thighs. “Or you can do it for me.”

His fingers clench my legs as he gasps.

“You’ve never touched another man’s cock before, right?”

He shakes his head firmly but lets his gaze drift downward.

“Do you want to?” I rock my hips slightly, so the tip of my shaft brushes over the shirt covering his stomach.

Timid eyes meet mine for a fraction of a second before they dart away. “Would you…want that?”

“I would love that.” I take one of his hands in mine and hold it between us, tracing my fingers over his. “I would love to feel these long, strong fingers wrapped around me. Squeezing and rubbing and pulling my cum out of me.”

“I’m not sure I can do that.”

I set his hand back on my thigh, loving how the warm weight of it feels on my skin. Loving even more that he lets it rest there. “You can just watch again, if you want.”

“No, I mean I’m not sure I can do that for you, since I’ve never… I don’t know what you like.”