Page 100 of Bad Pucking Influence

“It used to.” His arm falls over his face again.

“That’s… You mean that’s specifically for me?” I point to his junk even though he can’t see me. “You actually want to sleep with me? That’s not just you being an outrageous flirt?”

“Of course, I’m being an outrageous flirt, that’s kind of my thing. Only with everyone else it’s empty words.”

“I don’t understand.” I shake my head to clear it. “Why me?”

Tripp turns his head to face me as his arm drops to his side, his hazel eyes sullen instead of roguish, which causes a strange ache in my chest. “You do realize you look like the Norse God of legend only hotter, right?”


“And you’re pushing six-and-a-half feet tall, which I’m assuming means you’ve got a big, gorgeous cock.”


“Not to mention you look at me like you want to touch but are too shy or confused to make a move.”

“Oh shit. Have I been leading you on?” My stomach flips, making me queasy at the notion I may have instigated this whole thing by being ignorant of my actions and the fact they were sending a signal I didn’t mean to project. What’s worse, for an overly sexual guy like Tripp, rejecting him physically might be just as bad as rejecting him emotionally, something I’d never want to do.

Tripp looks at the ceiling and inhales deeply, holding the breath for several seconds before he lets it out. “To be fair, I knew you thought you were straight. I suspected you were questioning that, so maybe I mistook your confusion for sexual tension.”

“Maybe I mistook sexual tension for confusion,” I confess, though whether that’s for his benefit or mine I’m not sure.

His gaze snaps back to mine. “What are you saying?”

Taking a deep breath of my own I recline against the couch, resting the beer on my thigh as I drag a finger around the metal rim. “I feel something around you. I’m not sure what it is exactly because it’s always different. Sometimes it’s in my stomach, sometimes my chest. That day in my driveway I think it was…”

“Did I make your cock hard? Please tell me you had blue balls after I left because you damn sure gave me a set that was a bitch to drive with.”

“I’m not sure hard is the right word—”

“Oh fuck, now you’ve done it.” He groans and palms the bulge between his legs, and this time I'm excruciatingly aware of the tingle between mine.

“What did I do?” I blink, as if that will help me see what the heck I did wrong.

“You said hard. Even if you weren’t, just imagining it is… Damn that’s a nice visual.”

“Do you need a moment?” Though I’m offering him an escape, I might be the one who needs it, considering the tingle is only getting stronger the longer I sit here, watching his hand cover his dick. Do I sit here and see what happens, or make an excuse to get up?

“I’ve got an idea.” Tripp bolts upright. “You said you’ve seen your teammates beat off and it didn’t do anything for you, right?”

“Yeah,” I say warily.

“But you feel something around me that you don’t feel around them?”

“I don’t know what that is,” I remind him, though he waves me off.

“I’m not asking you to classify it, just acknowledge it.” His fist seems to clench around his shaft over his shorts, and another twinge of something surges along mine.

“Yeah,” I exhale heavily, letting my eyes drift closed as I brace myself for the words I know are coming.

“Watch me.”

I open my eyes to find the vigor back in his, and while I’m happy to see Tripp acting like himself, I don’t want to lead him on any more than I already have, however unintentional.

“This doesn’t usually have the results I think you’re looking for.”

“We won’t know until we try, will we?” He licks his lips suggestively. “But just to be sure, we’ll change it up. Tell me how you ended up watching your teammates? Was there a big circle jerk?”