“You... In my mouth.” He nibbles along my jaw as he works my pants open, dropping to his knees when he has them parted just enough to pull my boxers off my dick, but not so much that they fall from my hips. When I start to take off my shirt—being naked while he’s clothed seems to be my new favorite kink—he reaches up to stop me. “Leave it on. I like seeing you so polished and so dirty at the same time.”

When he puts it that way…

Keeping my hands trapped in his, Noah leans forward and places a feather-light kiss on my tip as his eyes flutter closed. He repeats the gesture again and again, peppering my skin with tiny little waves of pleasure that fan over my length the way water ripples when it’s disturbed by a stone. This might be the first time anyone’s actually kissed my dick, and it’s more enticing than I could’ve imagined.

When he’s covered every inch with his soft lips, Noah parts his mouth and gives me his tongue, leisurely swirling it around my crown a few times before sucking gently on the head. Releasing our hands so he can hold me in his grip, mine find their way to his hair, undoing the tie that holds it back so I can thread my fingers through the silky strands. A soft sigh sends a wave of hot air over my damp skin, and we both shudder.

Using the flat of his tongue, Noah laps at my slit like he enjoys my taste, then takes me into his mouth. Closing his lips around my crown, he slurps me delicately, swiping his tongue over my sensitive flesh with each pull. Despite the fragile treatment, my thighs quake, pent up desire and adrenaline threatening to unleash within me and take control.

Though the gentle pace is completely foreign, it’s satisfying as hell, and my restraint starts to wane. I flex my fingers against Noah’s scalp, guiding him over me as I push forward. Slow and steady, the wet slide of his tongue lavishes every inch of my length. The gentle glide of his mouth is both teasing and tender, like he enjoys taking me as much as I enjoy him doing it. That’s… Hot seems too common a word to describe it. More like mesmerizing.

As he takes me to the back of his throat, Noah’s hooded eyes lock with mine. He watches my chest rise with each breath, and my lips part on a soft moan. With strong hands, he guides my pants off my hips and runs his fingertips up and down my thighs. My balls ache as he palms them, a lone finger applying the slightest amount of pressure to my hole. I flatten myself against the wall to keep upright as a torrent of sensations bombards me. The tenuous grasp on my self-discipline is ready to snap.

My cock glistens with Noah’s saliva as he unhurriedly bobs his head over my length, a satisfied groan rumbling around it as he pushes deeper. Watching it sink gradually into his mouth, it occurs to me, I’ve never had such a gentle blow job. Never had a gentle encounter period until the big guy, but getting sucked off all sweet-like… Even guys who love sucking cock tend to rush, slurping and slobbering all over the place. Don’t get me wrong, a messy, wet blow job is an excellent way to get my dick hard, but to get hard while making me feel like I’m important… Treasured even. That’s some lovey-dovey…

Holy shit!

Is that what this is? Does Noah love me? I know he likes me—he’s said that much—but does he love me? Do I love him?

The man did just publicly claim me, and hint that he’d take care of Rose, and when I think of the coming weeks, months, years… For the first time in my life, I don’t like the thought of spending that time alone. I want him to be there. And since the L word doesn’t appear to be giving me hives…wow! Shit!

I think I love him.

It could be the impending orgasm making my brain all fuzzy, but I feel like this is something I need to tell him. Something he needs to know. Probably not while my dick’s in his mouth, though.

Using strength I didn’t know I possessed, I yank Noah off my cock and slam our mouths together, plunging my tongue against his. The kiss is urgent, desperate, like I need it more than I need my next breath. Like the force of it could fuse us together forever or some shit like that, so neither of us will be alone again. And then I taste myself on his tongue, mixed with his musky flavor, and my frenzy starts to wane. Something about the two of us together softens the kiss, morphing from feverish need into this overwhelming sense of peace and belonging.

This would be the perfect time to confess how I feel, and it’s on the tip of my tongue to do just that. But I can’t get the words out. I’ve never said them to another person. Never heard them in return. Not even from my parents, who weren’t the affectionate type even before I was old enough to really piss them off. It makes me question whether I can trust my emotions, so instead of saying something profound, I say, “Bedroom. Now.”

When we get to his room Noah sets me gently on the bed and tugs my shoes and pants off before undoing my shirt. He pauses to look at me when I’m gloriously naked but he still resembles Thor dressed up as James Bond.

“Take your dick out and fuck me,” I rasp breathlessly.

Noah starts to remove his jacket and I shake my head vigorously. “Just your dick. Like you’re in the middle of something super important and don’t have time to get naked but you have to be inside me.”

“Some fantasy of yours?” He arches a brow but pulls his cock out like I asked.

“I’m making this up as I go.” I pull the lube from the nightstand and drizzle some in my hand, rubbing my palms together before wrapping them around Noah’s cock and slicking him up while he hovers over me in his sexy tux. “I just really like the idea of getting fucked by a man dressed like a billionaire.”

“Millionaire,” he corrects as I stroke over his length, getting him nice and slippery. “I don’t have that much money.”

“Humor me, big guy.” I lay on my back and spread my legs, hooking them behind my knees. With an exaggerated sigh, Noah lines himself up and pushes into me. His head falls back as he bottoms out, his prominent Adam’s apple bobbing when he swallows thickly. I don’t think I’m supposed to need a spank bank anymore now that I have a boyfriend, but for the times he’s traveling, this right here is going in it.

Holding my breath, I wait for him to move. To start pounding into me like a man on a mission, but he doesn’t. He just stands there, balls deep like I’m some sort of cock warmer. It’d be pretty hot if I wasn’t desperate for the friction of movement.

“Remember, you don’t have a lot of time,” I prompt. “Get to the fucking.”



“You heard me. I’ll keep the tux on like you asked, but I’m not rushing this.” To emphasize his point, he pulls out excruciatingly slow, then presses back in, rotating his hips when he’s fully seated so his crown rubs all over my prostate.

“Holy fucking mother of god,” I groan. “Where did you learn how to do that?”

He pummels me with a series of short, rapid pumps, jackhammering that sensitive bundle of nerves before retreating and pressing back in leisurely. “I didn’t learn it. I’m making it up as I go.” He steals my line, but I’m too blissed out to comment on it.

All this time I thought I was well acquainted with my prostate, but it turns out the real key to nirvana is my boyfriend’s dick.