Page 217 of Bad Pucking Influence

“Even if it isn’t, who wouldn’t appreciate a toe-curling orgasm when they’re otherwise unable to move?”

“Good point,” Niko says, rubbing his chest when Xander smacks him again. “What? If I couldn't skate, sex would keep my morale up.”

“Morale is important when you’re injured.” Justus looks around the room bashfully before adding, “ACL tear three years ago.”

“And sex kept you going?” I ask.

“I didn’t really have anyone for that, but I can’t see it being a bad thing.” He ducks his head to rub the back of his neck.

“Unless it puts more strain on the injury,” Luca snorts.

I don’t know whether he’s out of sorts about the fact his little pre-game ritual is being threatened, or the fact that I’m the one Noah is playing nurse with. Either way, while I’d love to poke that bear, it wouldn’t benefit the big guy, so I’ll be good.

“All kidding aside, the reason I’m here right now is to help Noah. If he wants that to include sex, I’m game as long as we’re careful of his ankle. If all he wants is someone to bring him food and listen to him rant about how much he’d rather be on the ice, I’m game for that too. He gets to decide how I can help him best. Besides, I can’t gloat about sleeping with a hockey player if he’s not actually playing hockey, so...” Okay so I put my own spin on it. I was still good.

“Makes sense,” Justus says softly as Luca nods—almost imperceptibly but I’m counting it.

“We should probably all head out. We’ve gotta get up early to catch our flight for the next game.” Niko tugs Xander off the couch with him as he stands, Luca and Justus following suit.

Since Noah can’t see them out, I do it, trailing them all to the door and promising to let them know how their goalie is doing while they’re on the road. I’m about to close the door when Xander pauses and turns back to face me.

“I’m right down the street if you need anything.” The fact that he didn’t issue another warning, but rather offered to help, makes me a little nervous. Does that mean he thinks I can actually take care of the big guy, or that he doesn’t object to me sleeping with him? Both would be a reversal of his initial impressions, which means he saw something just now to make him change his mind. I’m not sure I want to know what that is, so I give him a curt nod in response and shut the door.

Chapter 17 – Noah

“I really am sorry for blurting that out. About us,” I tell Tripp as he comes back from showing everyone out.

He waves me off and starts clearing the plates the guys left behind. “And I really don’t care if they know you want my dick. I’ve made no secret about wanting yours.”

“That doesn’t make it okay for me to tell them without your permission.”

“I’m already out, big guy, so it’s not like you broke some sort of sacred trust. Besides.” He sets the plates in the kitchen and comes back to sit on the opposite end of the couch, leaning one arm across the back and spreading his legs wide. “I have no shame when it comes to sex. Tell them your cock is my favorite meal, that you like to top, show them one of my dick pics, I literally don’t care.”

“You have dick pics?”

“Spectacular, remember.” He waggles his eyebrows.

“I don’t have any. And if I did, I wouldn’t share them.” Damn, I wish my voice didn’t sound so small, but I’m having a hard time reconciling the fact he wouldn’t care if I showed people such an intimate picture of him.

“You wouldn’t share your dick pics with me?” he pouts.

“I meant I don’t have any pictures of you.” I shake my head back and forth. “And like I said, if I did, I wouldn’t share them.”

“Well, I guess bragging about your fuck buddy’s incredible cock loses some luster when your only gay friend is already spoken for.”

“No, I mean if I had any pictures, they’d be just for me. I wouldn’t want anyone else to see you the way I get to.” Though Tripp doesn’t move an inch, his whole body seems to tense up, and I can tell I’ve said too much. “You know, since you said you wouldn’t sleep around while we’re… I figure that includes dick pics. No sharing.”

“Uh, huh.” His head bobs once, slowly. “Is Luca freaking out because you won’t be around to play voyeur?”

I recognize his attempt to change the subject, but I figure since he’s still here after my slip up I’ll play along.

“You caught that, huh?”

“Kind of hard not to,” I admit.

“Yeah, he probably is.”

“That whole thing seems like a weird superstition, and that’s coming from me.” Tripp points to his chest. “How does that even become a pregame ritual?”