Page 135 of Bad Pucking Influence

“You can’t put any weight on that foot. How are you going to make those fancy frozen meals for yourself or get cleaned up or…whatever else?”

I gnaw on my lip as I turn those words over in my mind. It’s been years, well over a decade, since anyone’s had to take care of me. Sure, I have someone that cooks meals for me to reheat, but minus the use of one leg even that will be hard to manage. And showering… That’s a slip hazard right there.

“Sounds like I’m gonna have to be a bath guy for the next few weeks.”

Tripp cracks a small smile at my lame joke. “Look, as much as you want me to believe I’m not responsible for this, I know better. I’m not saying I take all the blame.” He holds up a hand to stop me from objecting. “But I share the blame. So, it’d be pretty shitty of me to leave you like this. It’d make me no better than those douche canoes you play for.”

“What are you saying?”

“I’m saying if you need someone to stick around and help you with, whatever, I can do that. I need to run home and grab some things, but I can come back.”

“You’d do that?” There goes my heart again, only this time the flutter spreads throughout my entire torso.

“You did it for me. When you thought I might have a concussion.”

“That was one night. This would be a lot more.”

“Spend a few nights in the most luxurious home I’ve seen in years? Twist my arm a little harder.”

“I think I heard you offer to help me shower.” I rub the bridge of my nose to cover my grin.

“Add a big dick on top of it? Now you’re catching on.” Tripp licks his upper lip suggestively. “Just make sure that healthy chef of yours leaves good instructions. Even if I’m only reheating shit that doesn’t mean I can’t still screw it up.”

“Actually, I’m sort of feeling like today would be a good cheat day. Maybe we could order in.”

“I am excellent at ordering delivery.” He shoots me a playful wink and hops off the couch. “I’m gonna run home and get some stuff for a few days, and when I get back, you can tell me what you want for your cheat dinner.”

“What about dessert?” I call after him as he makes his way to the garage.

“That’s where that big dick of yours comes in,” he hollers back.

Even the pulsating burn in my ankle can’t stop the goofy grin from spreading across my face.

Chapter 16 – Tripp

“I can’t believe you brought your video game system over.” Noah shakes his head as he watches me connect my Xbox to his TV.

“We don’t know how long I’m going to have to play nurse, which I can’t do from my house.”

“You can’t do it here either, if you’re too busy gaming.” There’s a hint of humor in his voice, almost like he’s taunting me. I’m not sure when exactly he transitioned from timid big guy to flirtatious Norse god, but lately he seems to be coming out of his sexual shell, and I am so here for it. Who doesn’t like to flirt?

“I’m an excellent multi-tasker. Besides, Betty offers you one more thing to stay busy when you’re stuck sitting on your butt.”


“The Xbox.” I finish the connection and turn it on to make sure everything’s working properly.

“Do you name all inanimate objects?”

“Only the ones I can’t live without. I…” The doorbell interrupts my train of thought. “That must be the food. I’ll get it.”

I feel Noah’s eyes on me as I stride to the door, so I put an extra little sway in my hips because…duh. Only it’s not the delivery guy standing on the front porch. It’s Niko and Xander, both of whom wear matching expressions of WTF when they see me. Busted. It’d be comical if it didn’t also mean I’m about to get my ass chewed.

“I don’t even want to know.” Xander shakes his head.

“Are you sure? It’s a really good story.” Not that I plan to tell him any of it, I’m just being honest. I mean, no one—least of all me—could’ve predicted that I’d be responsible for the well-being of another person. That’s quality entertainment right there.

“I want to know,” Niko says.