Page 128 of Bad Pucking Influence

“Um, the rush is you're spooning me. That’s against the fuck buddy rules.”

“It’s not like I broke the rules on purpose. Or by myself.” He runs a lazy hand through his hair, a loose strand falling back over his face, and my stomach does a little flip.

“Exactly. I broke them too, which is why I should go.”

“It’s Sunday and you don’t have work.” He scratches his big hand over his perfectly sculpted pec, which makes me notice his chest again, then his abs, then the heavy cock resting on them, and damn I need to get away from naked Thor. “Shower and I’ll make some breakfast. Then you can take Dorothy over to Xander’s if you want.”

He remembers the name of my most prized possession? And doesn’t think it’s weird that I named her?

I’d swoon if I did that sort of thing. Or climb on him and ride like I was making for the border.

Down, boy. Morning after sex is definitely not a fuck buddy thing. Neither is breakfast, although I am kind of starving and I’d love to skate. “Can you cook breakfast as well as you cook dinner?”

“I can fry an egg.”

“I guess I’ll take you up on that shower then.”

Noah gets me set up in the bathroom and heads off to the kitchen, leaving me the privacy to clean up without an audience, or a partner. That’s somewhat disappointing considering his shower would be fun to play in. It’s got a bazillion jets and showerheads, and even a little bench that looks like marble in a sea of tiles that resemble wood planks—very masculine and contemporary. Although shower sex is possibly too intimate for what we are, so getting clean solo is probably for the best.

I linger slightly since I haven’t been in a shower this nice in nearly a decade. Wrapping myself in a plush white towel, I hunt down some mouthwash, finding it in the medicine cabinet above the sink, but when I finish and close the mirrored door I freeze.

What am I doing?

My image stares back at me, familiar yet not. Running my fingers through my damp hair, the emerald tips taunt me with a truth I don’t want to admit.

I picked green because I thought he'd like it.

Like he said, the darker color does make me look less playful and more mischievous. Both are accurate representations of my personality, although I went blond as a way to remind myself to focus on the light. To appear approachable rather than inaccessible, at least on the surface. I may have sky-high walls, but I only put them up around the deep, personal stuff I keep to myself. I don’t use them to push people away on sight–my obnoxious comments do that so I don’t waste time on people who can’t handle me–and dark always struck me as the equivalent of saying back off without having to say anything at all.

I also thought the darkness of the green might warn him away.

Part of me wanted that to happen. If he backed off, I wouldn’t be the asshole for saying, ‘thanks for showing me your dick, now lets be friends.’

Wanting him to like it and hate it is fifty shades of fucked up. I need an intervention, but the only person qualified to set me straight doesn’t know his boyfriend’s teammate has a hard-on for my hard-ons. Or that mine seems to require that sexy Norse god to make a full appearance.

By the time I’m dressed in a plain white shirt–one I’m hoping Noah doesn’t realize is his since his jersey doesn't hide cum stains—he’s scooping eggs onto a plate with buttered toast and fruit. Only one though.

“Where’s yours?” I take the plate he offers and help myself to a seat at an island so big I could comfortably stretch out on top of it. That is, if it weren’t made of rock.

“My breakfast is dictated by the team dietician.” He sets a bowl of oatmeal and a smoothie on the counter and takes the stool next to me as I wrinkle my nose. “You aren’t a fan of healthy eating?”

“I’m a fan of eating whatever I feel like, and it’s never been that.” I point to his meal with a grimace. “Does it even have any taste?”

“Not much, but you get used to it. Besides, this is what keeps me fit enough to play at the professional level in my thirties.”

My eyes blatantly wander up his now clothed torso, which his snug t-shirt does nothing to hide. “If you’re telling me that crap is the reason you’re a walking wet dream then I guess I approve.”

“Uh, thanks?” He eyes me the same way, cocking his head to the side with a slight frown. “Is that my shirt?”


“I had a bit of a wardrobe malfunction.” I scoop up the runny part of the egg with my toast. “Hope you don’t mind.”

“You can wear anything of mine you like. Even if it doesn’t fit.” His baby blues twinkle as he fights a smile.

Glancing down, I have to admit the shirt is a little big. “I’m not so sure your clothes fit you either.” I reach over and pinch the fabric of his shirt between my fingers, giving it a gentle tug, though the material barely moves since it’s already stretched to the brink. “Maybe you should lay off the protein.”

“I wouldn’t be able to manhandle you as easily if I did.”