I watch him go with my mouth hanging open, not sure what just happened, or why he’s leaving me alone with his friend.
“Damn,” Ryan whistles. “He really is whipped.”
That puts me even more on edge. “Is that a problem?”
“Not for me.” He leans casually against the wall since there’s no other furniture in the room. “It gives me more ammunition to harass him with.”
“Why would you do that?” I try to scowl to cover the hurt in my voice–hurt that I’m feeling on Wes’s behalf.
“Because he went eight years without telling me about you. Me.” Ryan points to his chest. “His best friend, who he should be telling everything.”
“You’re mad he kept a secret?” I feel my jaw drop. That’s not at all what I was expecting him to say.
“Mad is a strong word. Insulted has a better ring to it.” Ryan plucks the menu from my hand and starts flipping through it.
“Are you insulted by the two of us, or the fact Wes never said anything?” I brace myself for the answer I don’t want.
“If you’re asking whether I’m shocked you two are together, the answer is yes. Because he waitedeight yearsto tell me. If you’re asking whether I’m offended by you two being together, the answer is no. Although if he doesn’t get the goofy smile off his face or stop playing tonsil hockey with you in front of me, I may have to decline dinner. I don’t mind being the third wheel as long as he doesn’t keep reminding me of it.” He looks up from the menu and winks at me.
I think that’s a good thing?
“You’re really okay with this? You don’t think it’s weird?” I bite my lip in a desperate attempt not to get my hopes up, though it sounds like it’s the secret, not the relationship, that bothers him.
Ryan lets his hand drop to his side, focusing his attention on me. “Seeing as how I’ve never seen a goofy smile on Wes’s face, even during football, then yes, I really am okay with this. And of course it’s weird, but only because I think I’ve seen this plot in a Hallmark movie.” He frowns like he’s searching for a distant memory.
“A hallmark movie – what do you mean?”
“My mom watches them every Christmas. They’re always about the husband’s brother who falls in love with his wife’s sister, or the widower who falls for his dead wife’s sister, or the single parents of two best friends fall for each other. There’s always some weird tie between the people who get together, just like with you two. People love that shit. Ooh that’s good, I need to remember that.” He takes out his phone and starts typing.
“What are you doing?”
“Taking notes.”
“For what?”
“For…nevermind.” He shoves his phone back in his pocket. “Point is you two are cool together. I’m happy for him. And you.”
“Did you guys pick something?” Wes comes back wearing a t-shirt, though it only covers his skin, not his shape. He stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. Ryan rolls his eyes in mock disgust. Ironically, that’s what I need to believe everything is okay. I stifle a giggle.
“What?” Wes catches our exchange.
“Ryan doesn’t like being the third wheel. He wants you to drop the PDA.”
“No can do. I’m done with secrets, and I’m done with hiding. Deal with it.” Wes nuzzles my neck, causing Ryan to cringe dramatically.
“If I stay, you’re buying dinner.” He points to Wes.
“That I’ll agree to.” Wes hugs me tighter with his left arm as he extends a hand to Ryan, and even though I’m held secure against his body I feel free for the first time in years.
“For someone who was worried about making rent this is a prettysignificantinvestment,” Hollie says as she gets out of the car, marveling at the house she’s parked in front of. “I hope you got a good deal on it.”
I twist my head to see what she sees. The house isn’t as monstrous as my dad’s, but it’s not small either, and definitely needs work, as evidenced by the dumpster in the yard where all the renovation debris is getting tossed. I can see why she’d imply I’m out of my mind. Of course, she doesn’t know the whole story. That’s why I invited her to go running today.
“You ready?” I shake my legs to loosen them up, hoping to get started before going into detail.
“Aren’t you going to give me the tour?”