“I get thatnow.” He rolls his eyes. “So they said you couldn’t date your stepsister? I guess that does have a taboo ring to it.”
“Again, you know it’s not like that. We weren’t raised together. I didn’t even meet her until I was seventeen.”
“You kept it a secret for eight years. From me.” He points to his chest, another sign that he’s hurt even if he’d never admit it. “That gives me the right to harass you. Indefinitely.”
Giving me shit is a peace offering, but I doubt Sawyer will see it that way, especially if she’s caught in the crossfire. “Only until I marry her,” I counter. “And no mention of it during the best man speech.”
“You’d have to ask her before I agree to any of that.”
“I’m working on it.” I take a sip of my beer.
“For real?” He sobers. “We’re not just bullshitting, you’re really planning to ask her?”
“Hell, yes.”
“As soon as she’s convinced people will accept us.”
“Your family?” He cringes, jumping to the one conclusion I have no fears about.
“The family isn’t an issue. Not even Colt.” I head that off before he can make another incorrect assumption. “The argument wasn’t about Sawyer and I being together. He’s on board with that.”
Ryan accepts that without asking for more details, thankfully.
“I guess that means what happened with the Stallions today is the issue?”
“That. Our friends. The general public.” I take another sip, more to calm my nerves than because I’m thirsty. It’s a cowardly thing, and one I rarely do since drinking shouldn’t be the solution to a problem, but as far as I’m concerned this is the final hurdle between Sawyer and I having a future, and I’m nervous. Years ago, she was the bravest person I ever met, and while she has it in her to be brave, right now she’s taking baby steps.
“How can I help?” Ryan must sense my worry.
“Come inside and act like everything’s normal. Maybe then she’ll see it can be.”
AloneinWes’sroom,the doubt starts to invade my mind.
Ryan was clearly shocked, but was that due towhathe saw orwhohe saw? Not knowing has my stomach in knots.
I love Wes for insisting that outside opinions don’t matter, but that’s easy to say when those opinions aren’t staring you in the face. What if Ryan is disgusted? What if he gossips? Will Wes still feel the same if the reaction is worse than he anticipates?
Dragging myself from the bed, I pad down the hall to my room to get dressed. Even that simple task is overwhelming and the silence in the house only adds to my anxiety. What’s taking Wes so long?
Finally, I hear a door open. Heavy footsteps echo through the now hollow shell of the main living area.
“Sawyer,” Wes calls. “Come out here and tell me what you want for dinner so I can order it.”
I take a deep breath and head for the kitchen, tiptoeing like I’m an intruder. Wes spots me the moment I round the corner and wraps me in his arms, engulfing me in his warmth. “I love you,” he whispers, clinging to me. It’s then that I realize he’s relieved I’m still here. And that we aren’t alone.
Wes places a soft kiss on my head before releasing me and handing over a menu. I steal a glance at Ryan, whose eyes are boring into me, then focus my gaze on the paper in my hand. The words on it don’t register though. I’m too busy wondering where Ryan’s head is at.
“Ryan’s going to stay for dinner. I’ve got some camping chairs we’ll set up outside to avoid the dust.”
“O…okay.” I force a weak smile in Ryan’s direction.
“I hope you don’t mind Wes inviting me to stay, especially after barging in on you,” Ryan says to me. “You should know I’ve learned my lesson though. No more coming over without an invite. I saw Wes’s ass enough in the locker room growing up, I don’t need to see it again. Speaking of, I don’t need to see your chest either.” He points to Wes. “Save that for your girl and put a shirt on.”
“Fine. You two pick what you want and then I’ll order.” Wes cups my face in his hands and kisses me softly before heading for the bedroom.