“I can respect that, but you saw Colt. He’s clearly distraught.”

“So is Sawyer.” I’m starting to lose patience with this conversation, but two shouting matches in a row would start even more talk, so I keep my voice level.

“Well then help them solve their problem instead of keeping them apart.” His tone falls just short of a command.

“When she’s ready I will.”

“You told Colt he’s a mentor and a father figure to you, but you’re choosing to be loyal to his daughter instead of the man himself? What the hell for?”

Wow, the walls are thinner than I thought.

“My loyalty is to Sawyer. Even though he’s pissed about that, Colt knows it, and he knows why.” I boot up my computer, hoping Christian will take the hint that this is none of his business.

It doesn’t work.

“Well at least give me a heads up on what to expect when the rumors start flying. Why are you willing to let the organization get caught up in a scandal to keep your stepsister from her father?” His cheeks are flushed pink with frustration, though his voice is eerily calm.

“I told you, there won’t be any scandal.”

“That’s an awfully big gamble for you to make after what I just heard. Maybe you should rethink this.” He crosses his arms and looks down his nose at me from across the desk.

“I’m sorry, but no. I gave my word to Sawyer.”

“That’s more important to you than this organization? Than the man who just walked out of here?” He’s glaring now, but it’s no more intimidating than a three-hundred-pound linebacker charging at me.



“Because I love her.”

Christian’s face morphs from frustrated to confused to shocked as my words register. His face drains of color.

“You don’t mean…you’re notinlove with her?” He watches me closely, looking for signs that he misheard me.

“I am.” I hold his gaze so there’s no mistaking my meaning.

“But, but she’s your step sister.”

“Technically speaking. We only lived together a few months before I left for college. We didn’t grow up together.”

“And when you say Colt knows, you mean, he knows?”

“He’s known for the past eight years.” I struggle to keep my voice even, hating that we’re even having this conversation.

“Eight years?” His eyes grow wide. “You’ve been seeing her for eight years?”

“I’ve been in love with her for eight years. Colt’s the reason we haven’t been together all that time.”

“He doesn’t approve?”

“He didn’t approve of our ages eight years ago.” I lock my jaw to keep from saying anything else.

“But you’re related?” he repeats, clearly hung up on the misleading step-sibling label.

“We aren’t, and none of us sees it that way.”

“Are you telling me you intend to have a relationship with your stepsister?” His voice is hushed, trying to keep that statement between the two of us no doubt.