“It is.” I grab my pillow and toss it at her. “Maybe one of these days you’ll let me do something about it.”

“That’s not subtle at all.” She rolls her eyes as though I’m being obnoxious, although the tiny upward slant to her mouth gives her away.

“We aren’t kids trying to hide how we feel anymore. I don’t care who knows that I want you, least of all you.” I give her a quick wink before grabbing a clean pair of shorts from the dresser. Although I’ve made similar comments over the past three days, I’m always careful to keep them light and funny so she doesn’t get spooked.

“But we are still stepsiblings. Are you sure that won’t be a problem?” A little crease settles between her brows.

“For whom? Our parents certainly wouldn’t care, not at this point.”

“How can you say that? They might all know I’m crashing here, but only Dad and Sam know why.”

“Sawyer, Pop’s known how I feel about you since my freshman year in college, and while he kept that from your mom so we’d have time to work things out on our own, I’m sure she’s either put two and two together, or he’s told her to avoid being castrated for keeping her in the dark any longer than necessary.”

“That’s a thought I didn’t need in my head first thing in the morning…, but I was actually talking about your job. It’s in the public eye. You told Ryan and Hollie you have to avoid scandal, and we could very well be one. If we…you know.”

I cross the room and sit on the bed, taking her hand in mine.

“You know I made that up to avoid going out with them. Now, will people talk? Of course. We grew up here, we know lots of the same people, and they’d talk even if your mom hadn’t married my pop. I’m willing to bet most of them are mature enough to realize there’s nothing taboo about the two of us. If they don’t, screw them. I’m not going to let what anyone else says come between us again.”

Sawyer blinks in rapid succession. It’s the first time since she moved in that I’ve been so direct about my intentions, and even though she’s always known what they are, I don’t think she was expecting me to admit it so candidly. But I want her to know that’s not a mistake I’ll make again.

“Okay,” she says softly.

“Okay,” I repeat. “Now, unless you want to help me take care of this, I need a cold shower. I’ll see you tonight?”

“Yes.” She blushes.

Going for broke, I lean in and brush my lips softly over her cheek. She gasps but doesn’t pull away, thank God.

“Bye,” I whisper against her lips before heading to the bathroom.

The shower does little to calm me, and jerking off to thoughts of Sawyer while she’s in the next room seems creepy, so I’m already on edge to start the day. It gets worse when I get to my office and find Colt waiting for me in the chair beside my desk.

“You gonna tell me where she is?” he asks as I round the desk to sit in my chair.

“You really gonna ask me that?” I sit in my chair and turn on my computer.

“Hell yeah I’m asking. It wasn’t that long ago she couldn’t stand the sight of you, now you’re shacking up? Can you blame a dad for being worried?” He runs a hand through his hair, making it stand on end.

“Okay, first, we aren’t shacking up. She needed a place, I have room. Second, no I don’t blame you for being worried, but since I’ve been in your shoes I’m asking you to trust me, same as I did you.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Colt scowls.

“It means you kept me away from her for eight years using the whole ‘I’m trying to be a good dad and honor her wish not to see you’ line. Even though it hurt like hell I understand why you did that, so you need to understand why I’m doing it now. She needs time.”

“I don’t have eight years.” His hand flexes on his thigh.” She’s got a half-brother and sister that’ll be grown by then. I don’t want her to miss that.”

“She doesn’t want to miss that either. It’s you she’s pissed at, not them.”

“So what, I’m just supposed to make myself scarce so she can see them?” He shoots up from his chair and starts pacing. “We’re a family. We need to be able to talk and get past this. Tell me where your new place is so I can talk to her.”

“No.” There’s so much more I want to say, but I bite my tongue, hoping to keep things civil.

“No?” He stops pacing and drawls himself up to his full height.

“No,” I repeat, rising to face him off. He’s taller than me, but I’ve got the advantage of youth and speed. I’d rather not use it, but I’m not backing down.

“What gives you the right to say no to me?” His eyes are so wide and blue they look a little unhinged. I lean forward and rest my hands on the desk, bracing myself. He’s really not going to like what I have to say next.