“Double?” I choke.
“Yeah. Did you see the way Ryan was looking at you? He’s totally interested.”
“I doubt it, I think he’s just a friendly guy. That’s the way I remember him.” I join Hollie at the sink, where she’s fluffing her sun-kissed hair, and wash my hands.
“No, he’s interested.” She runs a finger along her lip, spreading the gloss around.
“He’s also Wes’s friend. That could be weird.” I push the button for the air dryer and wring my hands underneath it, focusing on that instead of the gleam in Hollie’s eyes.
“No weirder than me and Wes, right?” She smiles brightly.
“You’re seriously into Wes?”
“Who wouldn’t be? Except you of course.” She elbows my arm. I offer a smile that I hope isn’t as plastic as it feels.
We leave the bathroom and get back to the table just as Wes says, “Absolutely not.”
“Absolutely not, what?” Hollie asks.
I’m vaguely aware of Ryan and Wes exchanging a look, but I don’t care because I have a fresh drink. I reach for it and take another fortifying gulp.
“I was just explaining why I can’t go to bingo.” Wes shoots Ryan a warning look.
“Why not?” Hollie asks, oblivious to their exchange.
“I just got to Denver. I’d like to avoid scandal.”
“Bingo is scandalous?” She draws her brows together.
“Anything can be scandalous with the right byline. I can fly under the radar a bit now that I have a desk job, but I’d like to get a season under my belt before I do anything that might hit the papers. Again, no offense to the queens.”
This time, it’s Hollie that looks to me for backup, but I give a slight shrug and take a drink. I know that’s a load of shit, and by the look on his face, so does Ryan. But since it works in my favor, I’m not going to call his bluff.
Wes deftly changes the subject, turning the conversation back to Hollie and what she’s been up to since high school. I know he’s only being polite, but because he’s such a good listener she takes it for interest, which cheers her up. Watching their exchange takes me back to a time when I did the same thing, believing that the intensity of his gaze was something more than just a good act. I signal the waitress for another drink.
The conversation turns to TV shows and movies, and for a moment there, I actually have a good time talking about the twists we didn’t see coming in the psychological thrillers we all seem to enjoy. Then Hollie mentions The Bachelor. I continued watching it all these years, which I might’ve been able to laugh about if Wes didn’t admit that he kept watching it too. That hits too close to home, forcing me to recall how that becameourthing, and I’m suddenly not in the mood to socialize any more.
“I’m going to head out.” I reach for my purse and start to scoot my stool back, nearly tipping it over when I do. Wes jumps up to steady me with a hand on my arm.
“How are you getting home?” His tone is measured, but his sudden question causes all eyes to focus on me. Great.
“Um, Uber.” I look pointedly at his hand. He drops my arm.
“Why not?”
“It’s not safe. Plus, Colt wouldn’t want you to give the gate code to a stranger.” He glares at me, crossing his arms like we’re in a standoff.
“I can get dropped at the gate.”
“I’ll take her,” Ryan volunteers. The glare Wes shoots him is worse than the one he aimed at me.
“I’ll take you,” he says.
“You don’t have to leave. I don’t mind taking an Uber.”
“I’ll take you,” he repeats firmly.