“Ryan?” I frown.

“Yeah, Wes’ friend. That’s him over there, right? Ryan?” she hollers before I can stop her.

A head swivels in our direction, and though the face is thinner and the hair shorter, there’s no question it's him.

I haven’t seen, spoken to, or even heard of Ryan since the day of Wes’ graduation party. I have nothing against him per se, but I’m leery of anything having to do with Wes. I’d just as soon not open that door, especially knowing he’s in town. But it’s too late. Ryan spotted us and is heading in our direction.

“Hollie?” He gives her a hug. “What’s it been, since prom?”

“Good memory.” Hollie smiles.

Ryan’s gaze turns to me. “And Sawyer?” He pulls me into his thick arms before I can object. “You disappeared without saying goodbye. I thought you liked me better than that.”

“Looks like you survived all right.” I sip my drink.

Ryan throws his head back and laughs. “Wes always said you were funny. But you…” His eyes snap upward, over and behind my head, and without looking I know my night just got infinitely more complicated.

“There you are. Look who I ran into!” Ryan beams.

Wes steps around me to reach Hollie, pulling her into an affection hug. “Hey there. Good to see you.”

“You too.” Her smile is blinding.

He faces me and pulls me up from my stool, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I don’t know how to respond, so I leave my arms hanging limply by my side. He leans to my ear and whispers, “I’m just saying hello. Don’t make it weird.”

That snaps me out of my stupor, and I return the hug before Ryan and Hollie can spot anything strange. I pull back quickly, catching the eye of our waitress as I do. If I’m going to survive this night, more drinks are in order.

Wes takes the stool next to me and props his arms on the table. “What are you two up to tonight?”

“I was just telling Sawyer about our new receptionist. She looks like a drag queen.” Hollie catches them up. Ryan and Wes exchange stunned looks.

“You mean, he dresses like a woman?” Ryan ventures.

“No, I mean she looks like a queen. Over the top makeup, long fingernails.” She wiggles her fingers. “It’s distracting.”

“Um…if she’s in drag, is she a…she?” I ask.

Hollie’s jaw drops open. “Oh my gosh, I never thought of that. What if I just think she’s a she? Is that a compliment or an insult?”

“If you think she’s a she, then she, or he, is doing something right, right?” Ryan jumps in.

“What?” Wes frowns, eyes darting rapidly back and forth between them.

“You’re right. Definitely a compliment.” Hollie chews on her lip. “But now I’m curious. I wonder if she moonlights at drag queen bingo?”

“Drag queen what?” This time it’s Ryan who’s confused.

“It’s a thing.” I shake my head and gulp my drink.

“Sawyer, we have to go! I have to know if she’s a queen, and the only way to know that is to go to bingo.”

“What, now?” I look at my watch.

“Oh no. You need reservations. Maybe in a week or two.”

“Hold up. Reservations for bingo?” Ryan frowns. “That game old people play with a marker and a card?”

“Drag queen bingo.” Hollie nudges his arm. “But yes, the old people game.”