“Sawyer,canyouputthese on me?” Emmy hands me a pair of tiny pink shoes with a delicate little bow on the toe.
My half-sister has been babbling about these shoes for days, alternately gushing about how excited she is to wear them, and bemoaning Sam for withholding them until the big night.
“Sure can pumpkin.” I take them from her as she scrambles onto the couch and sticks out her feet. “These are going to go great with the dress you picked for Dad’s ceremony.”
Emmy steadfastly refuses to wear anything but dresses, but tonight she’s outdone herself, choosing the frilliest little princess dress I’ve ever seen.
“He said I could pick whatever I want since it’s a special day.” It sounds more like ‘spessel’ in her cute little voice.
“Special,” I say, enunciating each syllable. The sister in me finds her pronunciation adorable, but the translator in me feels the need to correct it.
“But I can’t breathe in this.” Alex’s high-pitched groan echoes around us as he enters the room, tugging at his neck. “Are you sure all the guys will be wearing one?”
He may be only seven, but Alex is obsessed with looking and acting like Dad and his friends. If they’re wearing ties for Dad’s induction into the Stallions Hall of Fame, Alex will too, even if he secretly hates it.
“Yes, all the guys will be wearing one,” Sam says as she adjusts his collar.
“Fine,” Alex grumbles. “But I don’t understand how we’re supposed to play football in something that chokes you.”
“Who said anything about playing football?” I ask as I finish with Emmy’s shoes.
“We’re going to the stadium. What else do you do there?” He gives me a look that suggests I should know better.
“Honey, remember this is a ceremony, not a game. Dad’s getting his award. There’s a dinner, and a presentation.” Sam adjusts his tie.
“Ugh, Mom.” He pulls away. “That’s no fair. You said football award. You didn’t say presentation.”
“Why do you think your sister’s been so excited to get dressed up all week?” I stifle a laugh.
“She’s always excited about dresses.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest.
“Car’s out front. Time to go.” Dad stops cold when he sees us all in the family room, and I swear his eyes get glassy. “Wow, you guys look amazing. How did I get so lucky?”
Since retiring from the game, Dad has done a complete one-eighty. Although he likes to volunteer for the team in his spare time, helping with practices mostly, he’s now a devoted family man. It falls to him to get the kids to and from school and their activities while Sam runs her charitable organizations. He’s basically a househusband, even going so far as to pick up some skills in the kitchen. Now, it’s only a fifty-fifty chance he’ll burn dinner. I’d consider that a win.
Seeing him try so hard to be a good dad used to be hard. Though it’s not that way now, I used to resent him for it because he wasn’t that way with me growing up. But over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the changes he’s made to be the kind of husband and father Sam and the kids deserve.
Sam steps to him and wraps her arm around his waist. “Luck has nothing to do with it.”
“Agree to disagree.” He tips her chin up to give her a gentle kiss.
“Eew. I’m gonna wait in the car.” Alex rushes off. Apparently there’s one thing about our Dad he doesn’t idolize.
Sam chuckles and grabs her clutch to chase after him.
“Sawyer, there’s something I wanted to mention before we go.” Dad turns to me with an uncharacteristically serious look.
“Okay?” I’ve been here two days already so I’m not sure what he has to say to me now, of all times.
“It’s about…Well…”
“Colt? Are you coming?” Sam hollers.
“It’s just…I want you to know…”
“Dad. Spit it out. We’re going to be late. Whatever it is, it can’t be that bad….can it?”
“I wanna sit by Sawyer.” Emmy launches into my arms, causing me to stumble in my high heels. Dad’s firm hand on my back is the only thing that keeps me from going down.