“Oh shit, you were jerking off with these.” Bennet drops the panties as if they’re on fire. “I just touched panties that were on your dick.”

“If I was jerking off with them I’d be naked.” I pick the thin pink material off the floor. “It’s just morning wood. And why are you guys looking at my dick anyway?”

“It’s a little late for morning wood.” Ryan looks at me skeptically.

“Whose panties are they?” Will demands.

I stalk to my dresser and pull out a pair of jeans now that they’ve effectively killed my mood. “I don’t kiss and tell, you know that.” I tug them on, stuffing the panties into a pocket.

“Come on. We won’t say anything. We just want to know who wears those pretty pink panties,” Carter pleads.

“No one you know.” I grab a t-shirt. “I need a shower. Gimme ten minutes.”

“But I’m starving,” Will complains.

“Then grab a snack. Jen keeps the place full of food. I’ll only be ten minutes.” I usher them out of my room and head into the bathroom to start the shower. When they’re out of earshot I dart back to my room.

“I’m so sorry,” I whisper as I lean down to peek under the bed and find Sawyer sprawled on her stomach, a shirt bunched in front of her to hide the fact that she’s naked. “Are you okay?”

She nods her head. I crook my finger, signaling her to scoot closer, and she inches forward until her head is poking out.

“If I don’t do this they won’t leave.”

She nods again. “I know.”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”


“Stay under the bed until we’re gone, just in case.”

“As you wish,” she whispers.

“We’re past that, aren’t we?” I lift her chin with my fingers so I can see into her eyes. “Tell me.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” I kiss her softly, lingering as long as I dare, before heading off to shower.


Myheartfluttersinmy chest when I see the delicate purple Columbine resting on my pillow. It's the Colorado state flower, and despite their fragile appearance they're everywhere, even the mountains. That's why they're said to symbolize perseverance. I wonder why Wes is giving this to me now? Is he trying to tell me we'll get through the next few years living apart?

He's conflicted about leaving. I’ve tried to reassure him that the distance won’t change anything, and I can tell he wants to believe me. But our secret is weighing on him, especially now that he’s become close with both my parents. In that regard, his move couldn’t come at a better time, because distance will hopefully minimize the burden he feels about keeping silent. Not that the secrecy is any easier for me, but since I’ve always kept my feelings closely guarded no one would think it’s strange if I don’t talk about them.

I take off the sundress I had on for Wes’s graduation party this afternoon and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Then I grab my packing list off the dresser and go over it again. In a weird way it gives me something to look forward to instead of dwelling on the fact that in barely forty-eight hours Wes is moving out, and I’m leaving the country. Something tells me the ticking clock is forefront in his mind too, if the pained look he gave me before leaving for Ryan's is any indication.

Taking a deep breath I compare what’s on the list to what’s already in my bag. All that’s left are the last-minute items, like toiletries and personal effects. Speaking of…I grabThe Princess Bridefrom my nightstand and run my finger over the cover. It’s the only physical thing I have from Wes, aside from the flowers, and after much back and forth I’ve decided to take it with me. It will be a way to say goodnight when he isn’t across the hall to hear it.


I must’ve fallen asleep with the book in hand because it’s dark when Wes picks it off my stomach to set it back on the nightstand.

“How was Ryan’s party?” I ask as his lips meet my forehead.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you.” He sits on the bed next to me.

“I’m glad you did. How was it?”