She scrambles into the impromptu hiding spot while I frantically pull on the boxers I discarded last night.

“Dude, it’s like noon. How are you still sleeping?” Carter bellows as the door swings open.

“I never get to sleep in. Thanks for ruining that by the way.” I sit up and rub my eyes as if I’m adjusting to the daylight, catching a whiff of Sawyer’s scent on my fingers. I’m going to need a few more minutes before I chase them out.

“Where’s your hot sister?” Will asks.

“She’s not my sister. And if that’s what you woke me up for, I’m gonna be pissed. She’s not even here.”

“Where is she?”

“Staying with her dad. I took her there last night after the dance.”

“Why’s her dress on the floor of her room?” Bennet asks as he steps in the room.

It’s a damn miracle that dress isn’t onmyfloor. “Because we stopped here first so she could change. And get out of her room. If I can’t go in there you definitely shouldn’t.”

“You’re not allowed in her room?” Ryan balks.

“Of course I am, I just don’t go in without her permission. Why all the interest in Sawyer?”

“Will’s infatuated with her after she danced with him last night.” Carter rolls his eyes. “Come on, get up. We’ve got shit to do.”

“What part of never sleeping in did you not get?”

“You can sleep in at college.” Bennet leans against the wall with a yawn.

“Not likely,” I huff. “Seriously, give me some peace.”

“Not this time,” Ryan says. “We’ve got a full day.”

“Doing what?”

“I smell pussy,” Will declares, and I swear my heart stops.

“What?” I seethe.

“You don’t even know what pussy smells like.” Carter shoves him.

“Then how come I’m smelling it?” Will asks.

“You’re not. Now get out of here so I can get some sleep.” I lay back down

“No can do,” Ryan says. “We’re going to lunch to talk about our senior prank. Get up.”

“Fine,” I groan, knowing the only way to get out of this with Sawyer’s virtue intact is to give in. “I’ll meet you downstairs in five.”

“Holy shit,” Bennet exclaims as his fingers pluck a pair of satiny pink panties off the floor. I hold my breath, waiting to see if those panties are the only thing he spotted down there.

“Told ya,” Will boasts.

“Who’d you bag?” Carter asks.

“Bet it was his hot sister,” Will snorts. “What are you doing with her panties?”

“Stepsister. And they’re not hers.” The bed creaks as I lunge for them

“Dude.” Carter points at my still obvious erection, which thankfully is at least clothed by my boxers. “Doesn’t look like you were sleeping just now.”