“Yeah, I’m excited about it. It’s a global project so it’s much bigger than anything else I’ve done, and it’s going to take a lot longer too.” She bites her lip.
“That’s good, right?” This is getting weird.
“Yes and no. It’s good for my career, but it means I’ll be traveling a lot. Internationally.” She glances at my dad.
“Oh.” Realization hits, and I feel a little pang of sadness for my dad. “You’re leaving. Does he know?”
“He does.” She nods.
“I don’t understand. I thought things were going great with you guys?”
“They are.” Samantha takes a deep breath. “I can’t really afford to pass up this opportunity, but I don’t want to take your dad away from you, especially during the time you usually have together.”
“Are you saying he’d go with you? Until training camp, anyway?”
She shakes her head slowly. “I’m saying he’d go for the duration of the project.”
“But that would mean…he’s retiring from football?” I’ve wanted that forever, but I didn’t think it’d actually happen.
“Nothing is official, but we’ve talked about it. If he does, he'll come with me when I leave in June. This is where the proposition comes in.” Her fingers get busy again. “I want you to come with us. For the summer anyway.”
“Hold up.” I lift my hand like a stop sign. “Does he know you’re talking to me about this?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t he?”
“Honestly?” I exhale, glancing at my dad in the yard with Wes before looking back at her. “Dad’s never been shy about introducing me to his past girlfriends, but that didn’t mean he wanted a third wheel. A trip like this means you guys would be stuck with me for months.”
“Only for the summer. The rest of the time we’d only be stuck with you for a few days, maybe a week, tops.” She casts me a playful grin.
I don’t know why, but the fact that she didn’t disagree with me or object to my word choice makes me laugh.
“Look, it’s a lot to ask, taking you away from your mom and Anthony for months at a time, but until this opportunity came up, I thought we’d have all the time in the world to get to know each other. And I want that. At the same time, I can’t turn this offer down. It might be selfish of me to want the job and the family, but I do. I’d really like it if you come with us, when your schedule allows.”
Sam doesn’t realize it, but she’s sort of answered my prayers. I’ve been freaking out about what I’ll do with Wes gone, and a change of scenery might help me ease into life without him. That won’t make it any easier to see his empty room across the hall, but a trip would let me put that off for a few months, which sounds perfect.
“I think I’d like to go with you,” I tell Sam.
Sawyerlooksradiant,asalways. The warmer weather has meant more time outdoors, and the faint tan on her skin gives her a subtle glow that makes it nearly impossible to keep my eyes off her. That and the fact I can’t lie to myself anymore. I don’t just like her. I don’t just lust after her. I’m full-on in love with the girl.
I realized it at her dad’s house a few weeks ago. We were there so I could work on some drills. She hung out with Colt’s fiancé, Sam, while her dad and I threw around the pig skin. I could feel her eyes on me, and that gave me more butterflies than holding the ball. That’s how I know this is more than just some teenage crush. My mind has never wandered to anything or anyone when I have the ball in my hand. Yet I found myself wanting to cut practice short so I could be with her, and that can only mean one thing. I’m head over heels for my stepsister.
So far, I don’t think Sawyer’s caught on. She knows I care about her, and she knows I’m attracted to every inch of her–head to toe. Although, I don’t think she knows that this ismorefor me. Love.
I feel physical pain at the idea of leaving her in a few short weeks, but I have to go. I have to move forward with my plans to leave, even if the very idea of it makes me want to fall apart. And above all else, she can’t know how I feel. Not now. This has to stay a secret, because leaving will be hard enough without adding the L-word into the mix. God…if she said it back, I’m not sure I could get myself to go.
I steal another glance at her on the dance floor where she’s spinning with Will. We both have made an effort to dance with multiple people to keep up the illusion of the group date, which means I’ve only been able to dance with her once myself. It was worth it, even though it wasn’t enough.
At least the whole ‘big brother’ thing gives me the excuse to watch her when she’s not in my arms. Others will think I’m being protective, when in reality, my mind is going back to Mexico and the way she felt in my arms.
“Are you going to the afterparty at Devon’s?” Hollie asks as I spin us slightly closer to Sawyer and Will.
“No. Sawyer’s dad wants her home after the dance.” I feel slightly guilty for lying to Hollie, she’s a nice girl and I’ve enjoyed her company…under the circumstances. As far as everyone else is concerned, Sawyer’s curfew is the reason we’re skipping the afterparty. I wasn’t in favor of that excuse, although Sawyer thought it sounded better than skipping it so I wouldn’t be at a party with underage drinking.
“I thought you guys lived with her mom and your dad?”
“We do, but they’re at a conference so Sawyer’s staying with her dad this weekend.”