“But if I take her and you’re there too you can keep an eye on her,” he bargains as he chews. Gross.

“Nice try,” I retort, although that absurd idea gives me one of my own. “Why do we have to take dates? Why not just go as a big group?”

“I already asked Devon.” Carter slurps his milkshake.

“Fine, you have a date then. The rest of us can go solo. What’s the biggest limo we can get? We’ll spread the word, whoever wants to jump in can. Sawyer and I are good for two spots.”

“Dude, you just said no dates. Now you’re talking about bringing your sister?” Bennet frowns.

“Not my sister. And not a date. I’m including her as part of the group.” I finally take a bite, satisfied with my strategy.

“I’m in,” Will says.

“Of course you’re in. The three girls you asked already turned you down.” Carter rolls his eyes.

“Which is exactly why I’m in,” Will grunts, and for a second, I feel a pang of empathy for the guy. He’s his own worst enemy, loud and obnoxious to the point he scares most girls away, and I think if he’d chill out a bit he’d have better luck. I made the group suggestion selfishly, but maybe it spares him and I both the awkward date night.

“I guess I could ask Jessie if she and a couple friends want to jump in with us.” Ryan gives me a weak smile.

“Hey, I’m not saying you can’t ask a date if you want to,” I tell him, since I think he’d really like to ask her. “I’m saying the group thing is an option. Sawyer might have a few friends she can ask too, and we’ll get a group of fifteen or twenty. We’ll do dinner, ride around town and hit the dance.”

“Sawyer hangs out with the runners, right?” Bennet asks. “Some of them are kinda cute.”

“Uh, yeah.” I nod in agreement, not because he’s right but because I’m not sure how else to respond. Aside from introducing her to The Bachelor I don’t know much about her friends…she’s never had any of them over…and on the few occasions I’ve seen her with them, I wasn’t paying attention to anyone but her. We’ve spent more time in our little bubble this year than I realized.

“I’m in,” Will repeats.

“Me too,” says Bennet.

I breathe a little easier as my friends jump on the group date bandwagon. With any luck, it will give me an excuse to do what they want and stick close to Sawyer at the same time. Maybe this prom thing won’t be so bad after all.


“Got a sec?” I knock on Sawyer’s door.

“Yeah.” She sets her book on the nightstand.

“What are you reading?”

“That copy of ‘The Princess Bride’ you gave me.”

“You’re only now reading it?” After learning the movie was based on a book I got her the book for Christmas a few months back. That was the first time I understood happy tears.

“I’m reading it again.”


“In case I missed anything the first time.” She shrugs sheepishly. I’m not entirely sure the book isn’t an excuse to hide out in her room, something she’s been doing more of since the wedding. “So, what’s up?”

“I want you to come with me to prom.” That’s clearly not what she was expecting because she just stares at me blankly.

“What?” She finally blinks.

“Prom. You, me, plus the guys and any girls you want to invite.” I sit next to her on the bed, reaching out to take her hand before thinking better of it and letting it drop to my side.

“Doesn’t something like that contradict the whole “nothing’s changed” situation we’ve got going on?” She uses little air quotes to punctuate her question.

“If we were going as couples, yes. But we’re not. It’s a group thing. Well, mostly. Carter and Ryan might have dates, but everyone else is just going.”