“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” He stands eerily still.
“You got to.” My heart threatens to beat out of my chest, but I stand my ground. “I should get to do the same.”
“What will that accomplish?”
“Maybe nothing. Maybe it’ll satisfy my curiosity. Or maybe I’ll get it out of my system. Who knows?” I shrug helplessly. “I just don’t want to keep wondering.”
His jaw is stiff with restraint. “What did you have in mind?”
“Sleep with me.” His eyes grow so wide I can barely see the amber center amid the white. “Not like that,” I rush to explain. “Just sleep. Next to me.”
“That’s really not a good idea.” His words say no but the way he’s rubbing his chin says he’s thinking about it. “Besides, a few minutes ago you wanted to make this all go away.”
“I wanted to make things easier.”
“Sleeping together won’t help.”
“I know. But it will make me feel a little less sad. Just for tonight.”
I can see him weighing my argument, and while he thinks this is a bad idea, he’ll do it anyway, just to make me happy.
“As you wish. Your room or mine?”
“You’regoingtoprom,”Will demands as he stuffs a mouthful of fries in his face.
“Agreed,” Bennet adds. “We didn’t give you shit over missing the last two dances cause you had an excuse, but not this time.”
“And besides, this is a school event, so it doesn’t put your scholarship in jeopardy.” Ryan slathers his fries in ketchup.
“Well, the after party might,” Carter snickers. “Devon’s parents may or may not have left a full keg in the downstairs bar. Just sayin’.”
“Anyhow,” Ryan rolls his eyes. “Point is you’re going.”
I stare at my friends, too dumbfounded to take a bite of my burger.
“Why are you looking at us like that?” Bennet asks.
“Cause I don’t remember you guys ever being so excited about some lame dance.”
“It’s not the dance we’re excited about. It’s the whole thing. A sick dinner, riding around town in a limo, girls that put out.” Will slurps his milkshake. I try not to snort.
“It’s the last party of our senior year. You gotta go,” Ryan says.
“Who are you gonna take?” Bennet asks me.
“Dibs on Jessie.” Ryan punches my arm.
“Fine by me, I have zero interest in Jessie.”
“Can I take your hot sister?” Will grins around a mouthful of food.
“She’s not my sister. Seriously, when are you guys gonna drop that?”
“Come on,” Will whines. “I need a date.”
“Find someone else.” I give him my best menacing look.