“Come on, man. You two disappeared from your fundraiser a few weeks ago, and you’ve barely said two words to me since then. I have to get here early and corner you in the locker room just to have a conversation. I know something happened. What gives?”
“Nothing gives. Just focusing on the game.”
“And ignoring everything else in life?” I feel him hovering over me, but pretend not to notice.
“There isn’t much else in my life.” I put my cleats back and reach for my helmet, checking the sturdiness of the chin strap.
“So that’s it? You find a woman who makes you think about life outside of football and you let her go when things get hard?”
“Things didn’t get hard, they ended. Simple as that.”
“And you’re good with that?” he scoffs. There’s no point in answering him, so I don’t. “Fine, we’ll play it your way. So, now what?” He stands before me, arms crossed defiantly.
“Now, football. We’ve got a game to get ready for.”
“That’s it, huh? Focus on the game and forget about the woman you’re in love with?”
“Who said I was in love?” I squint up at him. He arches an eyebrow knowingly. “Fine,” I grunt. “It doesn’t matter. It’s over.”
“Is that what you’d tell me if the roles were reversed?”
“What?” I balk.
“Don’t play dumb.” He snatches the helmet out of my hands and sets it on the bench. “You’re pretty good at solving relationship problems, you could solve this one if you wanted to. Are you telling me you don’t want to?”
Again, there’s no point in answering.
“See, I think you do,” he continues. “I think you’re happy with Sam and want her in your life. You’d know exactly how to make that happen if it wasn’t your life we were talking about, because it’s easier to tell other people how to fix their problems than it is to fix your own. So, pretend it’s me that needs help. Tell me how to fix it.”
“Your scenario assumes she wants to fix it. She doesn’t.” I reach for my helmet and he snatches it away again.
“She just wants you to fight for her. That’s standard defense,” he deadpans.
“You know this how?” I look up at him skeptically.
“I read defenses for a living.” His mouth spreads into a wide grin.
I snort, but he doesn’t waver.
“Why are you doing this?” I sigh.
“Because you did it for me. I have Elliot because of you.” His tone is suddenly serious.
“You have Elliot because she loves you. I only helped you realize you were being an idiot before she got tired of waiting for you.” I rub my hand over my face.
“Exactly.” He gives me a firm nod.
“I’m not being an idiot. Sam thinks I was using her to improve my image. She doesn’t want anything to do with me. Chase already tried.”
“You sent your agent to fix things with your girl?” His jaw drops.
“He’s the one who put that idea in her head.”
“Damn, you’ve got it bad. You’ve forgotten everything you know about women.” He shakes his head. “You’re the only one who can fix it. I know you know that.”
“How? She thinks I picked her on purpose; that by dating anicegirl people would take me seriously.” I let out a frustrated breath.
“So, be a man people take seriously.”