I take her breathy cry as a yes and thrust faster, sliding my cock back and forth over her sweet spot. And when she starts to shatter, I press against her, using my weight to put as much pressure on her center as she can bear. It’s beautiful.

Sam arches her back, thrusting her breasts forward and digging her heels into the bed to grind closer to my cock. Her cries get higher in pitch as her orgasm peaks, her breath coming in ragged gasps.

I hold tight til the bulk of her tremors subside, then roll a condom on and line up with her entrance.

“Breathe out,” I tell her as I push forward.

Despite the powerful release she just had, her walls are tight, fighting me. “Relax, Beautiful. Breathe out and relax.” I stroke her cheek as I inch inside, coming to a stop when I’m fully seated.

She’s so fucking tight. If it weren’t for the condom, I’d have probably lost it by now. Instead, I hold us still, kissing her softly as her body adjusts to my intrusion.

Her lips meet mine, yet her eyes are squeezed shut, and I can tell she’s fighting hard to control her breathing. It kills me that I’m causing her pain, but the fucked-up thing is that I’m fighting a pain of my own, which is making it hard to stay still. I’m determined to be gentle on her behalf, though it’s taking all my willpower not to move, because she’s damn near as tight as my fist, and I swear my balls are gonna fall off if they don’t get some relief. Just when I can’t stand any more she opens her eyes, and looks at me with so much faith and trust, it drowns out everything, and suddenly it’s not my balls that feel tight, it’s my heart.

I’m pretty sure that look means she loves me back, which makes me want to tell her how I feel. But I’m also pretty sure the first time you say that to a woman, you shouldn’t be inside her. Instead, I give her a lingering kiss and start to move.


ThepainColtwarnedme about is both better and worse than I expected. It stings a bit, but that gradually fades to mere discomfort. It’s feeling that discomfort between my legs that bothers me, because I know this is supposed to be gratifying, and it’s not.

Just moments ago, I was in ecstasy, and by the look on Colt’s face, that’s what he’s feeling right now. I want that for me too, but only so Colt doesn’t worry about me. I can’t stand the concern, so I squeeze my eyes shut.

“Relax, Beautiful. Breathe out and relax,” he says, comforting me.

I do as he asks, accepting his kisses and focusing on them to divert my attention away from my discomfort. There’s so much tenderness, so much affection, in the way he touches his lips to mine. It makes me feel as if this moment is just as special to him as it is to me. I’m sure that can’t be true given his history, yet that’s how he makes me feel, and I love him for it. Or maybe I just love him, period. It’s hard to know since I have so many emotions when it comes to him, all of them overwhelming. But now is not the time to analyze them. Now is the time to do as he asks--relax and breathe.

Exhaling deeply, I open my eyes, trusting that Colt’s right and this will eventually bring us both pleasure. The look he gives me in return is so full of devotion and care, I think for a moment that if I give him my heart, he’ll treasure it as much as he treasures my body. Then he starts to move, and all my thoughts vanish.

The fullness inside me is no longer painful, nor even uncomfortable. It feels like it’s meant to be there, and my body clutches at it to hold it near, desperate to pull it closer even as it slips slowly away. But each time it returns, plunging firm and deep, it brings a fresh wave of satisfaction that leaves me craving more.

Colt moves slowly and effortlessly above me, taking care to be gentle. But the way he locks his jaw tells me he’s holding back, and while his steady movements allow me to savor every touch, they bring me no closer to release. My body wants more.

I raise up to meet him, sensing that this will help satisfy my desire. Colt groans deeply. “Don’t tempt me, Sam. It’s hard enough to go slow as it is,” he says through gritted teeth.

“Why go slow?” I breathe.

“I don’t want to hurt you. If I go any faster, I might.”

I raise my hips again, curious what faster is like. He squeezes his eyes shut and exhales heavily.

“I mean it, Sam. You keep doing that, I won’t be able to hold back,” he grunts.

“I don’t want you to hold back. I want everything.”

Colt closes his eyes and stills inside me, seemingly caught between wanting to protect me and give me what I want. But it’s my body that wants more, and it doesn’t like the stillness. I rock my body against his. “Fuck.” He groans in acceptance and starts thrusting in earnest.

“Tell me if it’s too much.” He pants as he drives into me. I shake my head, and he moves even faster. “Damn, but you’re tight. It feels so good to have your pussy gripping my cock.”

“I like feeling you inside me.” I gasp as he presses even deeper, rubbing against my clit in the process.

“Yeah, Beautiful? You like feeling me slide inside? You like when I push deep?”

I nod, unable to form words.

“Say it. Say you like feeling my cock inside you.”

“I like feeling your cock inside me.”

“I like hearing the word cock on your lips.” He leans forward and kisses the breath out of me, never breaking his rhythm.