“She’s a mom too. Sorta.”

“Jonah!” Elliot shrieks. My eyes dart involuntarily to her stomach. She’s wearing an oversized sweater, making it difficult to tell if there’s a bulge.

“Oops. I’m outta here.” Jonah races down the hall and further into the house.

I press my lips together, not sure how to respond. It’s awkward enough being the new face at Thanksgiving dinner, learning a secret that clearly isn’t meant for me is a level of awkward I’m not prepared for.

“Oh well,” Elliot chuckles. “I was going to tell you today anyway since everyone here knows, I just wasn’t going to announce it quite like that.” She takes my arm and pulls me further into the house. “We’re telling the team at the Christmas party. You’re going, right?”

I have no idea what she’s talking about. I look over my shoulder to Colt for input.

“She has a fundraiser she’s running that same night. The diabetes one.” It’s a reasonable explanation, and even though I’m not sure I’m ready to meet the whole team at a holiday party, I feel a little hurt that Colt didn’t even mention it. I focus my attention back on Elliot, trying to convince myself there’s no reason for it to come up if I can’t go.

“A fundraiser over the holidays?” Elliot pouts as she drags me along.

“Lots of people are looking for donation opportunities to offset income before the year ends. We’re doing Colt’s inaugural fundraiser on December 28thfor that reason.”

“That’s only about a month away. Where’s my invite?” We round the corner to the kitchen.

“What invite?” Meghan hollers over her shoulder as she pulls a large dish out of an oven that must be twice the size of the one I own.

“The one for Colt’s new foundation. We are invited, right?” Elliot teases Colt with a mock glare.

“Of course, you’re invited. They’re invited, right?” he asks me.

“Uh…” I swallow. “Yeah. Yes. I have room for two hundred, and about a hundred fifty of those are for people and organizations that historically support education initiatives or just drive the bulk of fundraising activity in Denver, but that leaves fifty people for you to personally invite.”

I realize only after I’ve spoken that I reverted to business mode, which I’m trying not to do around Colt’s friends. I wasn’t expecting the question and answered without trying to sound personable. He must sense my discomfort because he steps to me and places his hand on my hip, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

“Wow, it sounds like you have this process down to a science. I wonder why Shane didn’t use you to set up his foundation.” Elliot picks up a tomato from an appetizer tray and pops it in her mouth.

“It was incorporated before I started my business. It’s my job to know about the other foundations in the area,” I add when I notice her stunned look.

“Too bad. It sounds like you’d have been a real asset.”

“What’s this about asses?” Shane asks as he makes his way into the kitchen and wraps an arm around Elliot’s waist, cradling her belly as he pulls her to him.

“Assets, not asses. And watch your language.” Meghan points at him with a spatula. “I don’t need my kids telling me Uncle Shane taught them something they aren’t supposed to know.”

“Your husband is more likely to do that than I am,” Shane mutters.

“I heard that,” Meghan scolds as Dante smacks the back of Shane’s head.

“Ow.” Shane rubs the spot where Dante made contact, sticking his tongue out at him when Dante steps forward and extends his hand to me.

“I’m Dante. Glad you could make it today.”

“Samantha.” I take his hand and shake it. “Thank you for having me.”

“Sorry it took so long for us to meet.” He jerks his head toward Colt. “If it was up to us, we’d have met you a lot sooner.”

“I had to make sure she liked me well enough before I introduced her to you guys.” Colt shakes his head.

“Why? What’s wrong with us?” Shane steps forward and offers me his hand. “Shane.”

“Nice to meet you too.” I take the hand he offers, but instead of shaking it, he gives me a quick kiss on the knuckle.

Colt yanks my hand away. “That’s what’s wrong with you. Your wife’s right there and you’re kissing my woman.”