“Don’t sound so offended, I’m just processing the one thing you didn’t say.” I know she’s rolling her eyes.
“What didn’t I say?” I sigh.
“You didn’t freak out about people knowing he’s your client. That was your single biggest objection before, and now it didn’t even make the list. You really are in love with him.”
“I…” She’s right of course, but I haven’t said that out loud to anyone. I’ve barely admitted it to myself, a vain attempt to keep my heart intact just in case Colt doesn’t feel the same way.
“I hear your brain trying to talk you out of it, but you know I’m right.” Delaney’s voice pierces through the jumble of thoughts in my head.
“Okay. Yes. You’re right.” I give in.
There’s a whoop on the other end of the line, and even though I’m sitting alone in my office, I cover my mouth to stifle my laugh. It’s habit with Delaney since we’re usually in public when she’s inappropriately loud or embarrassing.
“Ohmigosh! We need to celebrate. And I need details. When did you know for sure? What did he say when you told him? Is the sex as amazing as I picture it?”
“Ew, I’m not telling you about sex.”
“Of course, you are. It’s one of the best parts of girl talk. When a guy does something truly mind-blowing we tell each other, because you don’t want your friend to miss out on mind-blowing sex.”
“That’s not really a thing,” I dismiss, hoping I’m right.
“It’s totally a thing. What about the rest? When did you know? What did he say?”
“Last week. And I haven’t told him.”
“A. Boring. B. What? You haven’t told him?” I hear her unspoken reprimand.
“There hasn’t been a good time. And besides, I’m not sure he feels the same way. I don’t want to say anything until I know for sure.”
“Of course, he feels the same way. And don’t count on a man to say it first, especially one who gets tackled for a living,” she says wryly.
This time I’m the one who rolls my eyes. Even if what she says is true, I’m not going to blurt out how I feel without some indication he feels the same. Right now all I can be sure of is that he cares about me, but caring is a long way off from love, and before we get to that there’s the issue of his daughter. “I think the priority right now is his daughter.” I change the subject. “I want to know she’s okay with this before saying anything.”
“Yes. Of course. Children first, that makes sense,” she says with authority, as if she knows any better than I do.
“I better call Colt and give him a heads up. I’m sure this is something he’ll want to know right away.”
“Yep. Yeah. Of course. And then we celebrate!” Ever the romantic, Delaney reverts back to her usual giddy self.
“Then we celebrate.” I chuckle.
“CanItalktoher?” I ask Anthony when he opens the door.
“Which one? They’re both pretty pissed.” My ex wife’s boyfriend crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe with a knowing look.
“Shit,” I mumble.
“Yeah.” He rubs his jaw. “Seriously, man. You’re like some sort of relationship whisperer when it comes to women, but you know next to nothing about handling the two most important women in your life. How is that?”
“I’ve got a lot of dating experience?”
“That’s not the answer you want to give them.” He shakes his head. “Look, I’m on your side, and I figure I owe you since you helped me get back with Jen. But try not to make it worse.”
“There’s a good explanation, I promise.” I hold my hands out in front of me.
“Okay,” he sighs. “Let’s go with Jen first. She’s a little more rational right now.” He hollers into the house and steps back from the door to make room for her.