“Great, actually.” Her grey eyes light up, which is a better reaction than I was expecting. “Elliot’s a good teacher, so I have a better understanding of what’s happening. There’s more strategy involved than I realized.”
I can’t help the laugh that escapes, but I’m able to shut it down quickly and nod for her to go on.
“And she and Meghan are nice. Protective of you, but nice.” She hands me a spatula and turns off the oven.
“Protective of me?”
“Yes. I think they thought we were using you for tickets or something, because they didn’t seem happy to see us at first. Then Delaney told them I was your girlfriend, and they were fine. Shocked, but fine.”
“That’s my fault.” I dish us each a slice of lasagna to hide my guilt. “I didn’t tell them about you.”
“I know.” She looks everywhere but at me, finally reaching for the oven mitts to put them in a drawer.
“Sam.” I set the spatula down and take her hands. “I kept you to myself as a way to make them mad. It didn’t start out that way.” I reassure her with a gentle squeeze. “At first, I was just feeling selfish, and I didn’t want to share what was happening with anyone but you. Then last week, Dante, Shane and I had an argument about how much we each contribute to the team.”
“For years, they’ve put the responsibility of being captain on me when they wanted time with their families, and I let them because I didn’t have anyone. Now that I have you, that has to change.” I pull our hands to my chest, trapping them between us. “I didn’t want to make you the reason for that change, so I didn’t tell them about you. It was beyond stupid, probably cost us a game, but it was about me being stubborn, honey. Not you. Can you forgive me for being an idiot?”
“Yes.” She squeezes my hand in return.
“Really?” That feels too easy. “Why?”
“Honestly, you didn’t flirt at all when you explained that, so I know it’s the truth.” Her gray eyes look deep into mine.
“Of course, it’s the truth. But it still feels like I hurt your feelings. You’re really not upset?”
“You didn’t mean to hurt my feelings, and you’re sorry you did, so no, I’m not upset.”
“For real?” There has to be a catch.
“You were expecting me to hold a grudge?” She wrinkles her nose.
“Well, in my experience, an apology has to be made with jewelry. Or shoes. And I’m not fully forgiven until I can take a woman to the mall to get those things.”
“Why would you have to buy forgiveness?”
“I don’thaveto. I do it because buying stuff makes people happy, and not just for apologies. I’ve never seen women smile as big as they do when I buy them stuff. Actually,” I drop Sam’s hands to rub my forehead, “I don’t think I’ve ever dated anyone this long without buying them at least a few pairs of shoes and some diamond earrings. I’ve only bought you flowers and dinner. I am seriously failing at the whole spoiling my girlfriend thing.”
A small crease forms between her brows. “I know I’m the one without much dating experience, but I’m pretty sure spoiling your girlfriend isn’t a requirement for having a girlfriend.”
“You don’t like to be spoiled?” My first instinct is to be shocked by this. I thought all women liked to be spoiled. Thinking back over the last few years, I realize that spoiling women has amounted to just handing over my credit card, not taking the time to pick things out. I never minded spending my money, still don’t, because I have enough of it. If I can buy expensive things for the women I’m merely sharing a bed with, I should be buying them for the one I’m actually falling for.
“I don’t need to be spoiled.” Sam lays her hand on my chest and smiles up at me. It’s so sweet and selfless, and it makes me want to do it that much more.
“What if I want to spoil you?” I back her up to the counter, caging her in with my arms.
“You already do,” she says breathlessly.
“How do you figure?”
“You show me things I’ve never seen before, you feed me the most amazing food, you call me beautiful…” she trails off. I tilt her chin up, planning to kiss her, but before I can she says, “You understand me.”
And that right there is the most meaningful thing she could ever say, because it’s exactly how I feel about her. Somehow, despite our vastly different backgrounds, she’s the one who seems to get me. She’s the one who sees beneath the surface. And I fucking love her.
Instead of telling her that, I bring her lips to mine, masking my feelings with a kiss. It’s the most cowardly thing I’ve ever done, but I’m suddenly very aware that saying the words might make her feel obligated to say them back, whether she’s ready to or not. She’s already given me so many of her firsts, and while I sure as hell hope I’m her first love, she needs to figure that out on her own, without any pressure from me.
What begins as slow and sweet, quickly morphs into a frenzy of lips and teeth and tongues. We’re both clearly desperate for each other after a long stretch apart.
Sam’s hands clutch at my chest, kneading the muscles I know fascinate her. My hand drifts from her face to her breast and my fingertips brushing softly against a pert nipple. She moans into my mouth, making me instantly hard.