“No wait.” Elliot reaches for me. “I know what you were going to say. And it’s easy to downplay things now, before…you know. Shane and I did the same thing for years. But trust me, that doesn’t mean Colt isn’t in love with you. I’d actually make the case that he is, because a man doesn’t wait for just any woman.”
“A man doesn’t wait.” Delaney scoffs. “What is she…? Wait.” She holds her breath, searching my face for confirmation. “Is she saying…are you saying…you haven’t yet?” she squeaks.
“Can we please talk about something else?” I duck my head so it’s not painfully obvious that my face looks like I spent days in the sun without sunblock.
“You’ve been seeing him for like, four months.” Delaney’s jaw seems to be stuck open.
“Three. And three months can’t be that unusual…”
“It is,” Meghan interrupts. “Especially for Colt. Told you he’s in love.” Her tone is much less aggressive now, as if I’ve passed some sort of unspoken test.
“He hasn’t said that,” I shake my head to reinforce my words, though I’m tempted to listen to the chorus of voices around me. I’d like to believe Colt’s falling for me as hard as I’m falling for him. It feels wrong to speculate about his feelings though.
“He might not even realize it himself. Men are usually a little slow to come around,” Megan says with authority.
“Well, details girl.” Elliot grins. “You can’t drop a bomb about being Colt’s girlfriend and think we’re just gonna sit here and watch the game without talking about it.”
“What sort of details?” As fast as I blushed earlier, I’m sure I go pale even faster.
“Nothing private,” Elliot assures me. “How’d you meet, how’d he convince you to go out with him, you know.”
“What makes you think he had to convince me?” Even though that’s true, after getting to know him I can’t believe I ever questioned the type of person he is.
“If you’ve seen some of his past girlfriends you’d know why she’s asking.” Meghan snorts under her breath.
“Ohmigosh if I was drinking anything just now I swear it would’ve come out my nose.” Delaney guffaws, wiping at her eyes.
“Delaney,” I hiss.
“Oh, come on, they’re complimenting you.”
“And insulting Colt.”
“Oh, she’s got it bad.” Meghan whistles.
“Not insulting.” Elliot shakes her head vigorously. “I’ve never told anyone this but when Shane and I first got together he did something colossally stupid, like nearly broke us up stupid. Colt was the one who told Shane how he screwed up and got us back on track. It’s true,” she says to Meghan, whose jaw has hit the floor. “Anyhow, my point is Colt actually understands women, so while his past girlfriends liked being with a famous guy, he’d know his celebrity alone wouldn’t win you over.”
“What makes you think that?” I’m still skeptical.
“Please, if you cared about his celebrity this wouldn’t be the first game you’ve been to, and you’d be telling anyone and everyone you’re his girlfriend instead of downplaying it,” Elliot states matter-of-factly. “So, what won you over?”
“I’m not sure it was any one thing really.” I cast a quick glance in Delaney’s direction. I’ve moved past being upset that she didn’t think Colt would like me as I am, so I don’t want to point out that’s what won me over right in front of her. Then it hits me, Elliot’s already given me my answer.
“I guess it’s like you said, he understands me. Or he makes a genuine effort to, and while he’s not perfect he’s always trying to make himself better. I respect that.”
“Plus, he’s hot.” Delaney nudges me with her elbow.
“There is a certain attraction, yes,” I say grudgingly, not wanting to reduce this thing between us to looks alone.
“Have you seen him in uniform yet?” Meghan’s eyes sparkle.
“Um, no.”
“Oh lord.” Her eyes sparkle. “Just you wait. That man has one fine ass. My Dante’s is the best, but Colt’s is my second favorite.”
“Hey.” Elliot objects.
“Shane’s is nice too, but it doesn’t have that nice bubble. You get that from running and quarterbacks don’t run as much.” She directs this last to me, like she’s sharing some insider secret. “Ooh, look. Here they come. Go get ‘em baby!”