“It is if he invited people just to avoid giving the tickets to Dante,” Meghan mumbles.
“Like your friend said, it’s not your business.” Delaney glowers, and since we’re sitting a row higher, it has an intimidating effect. On everyone but Meghan.
“Anything that affects my man and this team is my business,” she quips.
Elliot looks on the verge of speaking, her eyes darting between Meghan and Delaney, but before she opens her mouth Delaney responds.
“And anything that affects Colt is her business.” She jerks her thumb at me, and I feel my cheeks get hot.
“You?” Meghan’s brows rise impressively high. “Who are you?”
“Um, I’m his…well I work with him…” I flounder, unsure of what I’m expected to say about us.
“She’s his girlfriend,” Delaney interjects.
Elliot’s eyes grow wide. “Girlfriend? Really…wow. Well, I guess that would explain things.”
“What things?” Delaney frowns.
Elliot’s gaze darts between Delaney and me. “Sorry, that came out wrong again. It’s just that, well, Shane said Colt’s been sort of different the last few weeks. More…private than usual.” She looks to Meghan who nods her head in agreement.
“And, well, Colt’s never had a girlfriend during the season so that’s understandably a big change.” Her cheeks are just as flushed as mine feel, and while that leads me to believe Elliot didn’t intend for her words to be rude, it doesn’t change the fact that they were.
“You’re blaming me for Colt acting differently?” I feel the need to defend myself.
“Not blaming.” Meghan still looks wary. “Observing.”
“See, Colt is family,” Elliot rushes on, “And when family, or anyone really, starts acting differently with no explanation you worry about them. None of us knew why Colt was suddenly so private. Now we do.” She shrugs. “And now we don’t have to worry about him anymore.”
“Good for you, only now you’ve freaked her out and made her worry about her relationship with Colt. Look at her.” Delaney gestures to me.
“Why would that make you worried?” Elliot asks.
“You didn’t know about her which means Colt hasn’t said anything, and she’ll take that to mean she’s not worth mentioning.” Until Delaney said that I was thinking I might somehow be interfering with Colt’s relationship with his teammates, but now I’m thinking about our relationship. Why would he invite me here if he hadn’t told anyone about me?
“Oh, come on.” Meghan rolls her eyes. “We all know men hide how they feel until they can admit it to themselves. It’s totally normal for them to clam up until they’re ready to acknowledge they’re in love.”
My head swings toward Meghan, shocked.
“Um, Shane didn’t do that.” Elliot protests.
I swivel back to Elliot.
“Oh really?” Meghan leans back so she can look down on Elliot, which she somehow manages to do even though Elliot’s taller. “So, you two weren’t sleeping together for weeks before he admitted he was in love with you?”
“We kept that a secret so the media wouldn’t focus on us instead of on the team.” Her lips form a sad pout.
“Still kept secrets.” Meghan shakes her head.
I’m dizzy from all the back and forth, and I rub my temples to make it go away. “Colt’s not in love with me.” It’s not until three sets of eyes swing in my direction that I realize I said that out loud.
“Are you sure?” Meghan deadpans, “Because a man doesn’t just change a habit he’s had for over ten years without reason.”
“We’ve only been dating a little while. And he hasn’t said…we haven’t…um…” Somehow my face gets even hotter. Now it’s my turn to clam up, because I can’t admit to near strangers what has and hasn’t happened between us. I haven’t even shared those details with Delaney.
“Oh, wow,” Elliot gasps.
“Now what?” Delaney throws her hands up. “You two are seriously the rudest people. Come on Sam, let’s sit somewhere else.” She starts to gather her things.