Her eyes grow wide as her jaw drops. “You can’t say stuff like that here,” she gasps, ducking her head.

“Why not?”

“You’re talking about…what if someone heard you?” She glances around nervously, her cheeks growing a brilliant shade of pink.

“Something wrong with people knowing I’m attracted to my woman?” A flash of anger crosses her features, and it’s all I can do to keep a straight face. Much as I like seeing how cute she is when she’s flustered, I don’t want her to be jumpy on our first public outing.

Getting her riled is the perfect way to get rid of her nerves, and my flirting seems to get her riled.

“Woman?” she grits. I knew that would get under her skin.

“Well, aren’t you?” I grin, taking her hand and lacing our fingers together.

She looks at our joined hands, and I get the sense she’s weighing whether to be upset or flattered by that statement.

“Is woman your way of saying girlfriend?” She looks at me so intently I wonder if she can see my eyes through the sunglasses.

We’ve never given this thing between us a label. I just thought it was understood. I should’ve realized she’d need the words.

“It is.” I give her hand a little squeeze.

“In that case I guess ‘woman’ is ok.” She smiles bashfully. I’m just about to lean in and kiss that beautiful smile when a large hand claps me on the shoulder.

“Didn’t expect to see you here now that the season’s started.” A deep voice rumbles.

“Riley.” I turn toward our visitor. “Good to see you man.” He takes his hand off my shoulder to shake mine.

“Good to be seen. Been a while.” He crosses his arms in front of his barrel chest and stands at the head of our table, looking down. He’d seem imposing if there wasn’t a warm smile peeking out from his lengthy beard. “You got a bye week I don’t know about or somethin’?”

“Nah, Sunday game, as usual. Just wanted to drop by quick for a bite with my woman.” The blush that was on Sam’s cheeks a few minutes ago comes back.

“Woman, huh?” He turns his grin to Sam. “Well, this is a pleasure. Riley.” He offers his hand.

“Sam.” She returns the handshake.

“Riley played for the Stallions a few years back. Now he’s the mayor of Parker.” I tell her. She blinks a few times, which both Riley and I notice.

“I know.” Riley barks out a laugh. “I look more like a biker than a politician. Gets shit done.” He winks conspiratorially.

“Oh, I didn’t…I mean,” Sam stutters, glancing at me for help.

“It’s okay, I’m a biker too, so you’re not wrong,” Riley chuckles. Poor Sam turns even redder than she was before, but her shy smile earns her one from Riley in return. “Well, aren’t you just the sweetest? Where’d you find her?” He turns to me.

“She’s helping me with a foundation to promote education among athletes.” I pick up her hand and toy with her fingers.

“Impressive.” Riley nods.

“She is,” I agree. “You emceeing the music tonight?” I ask Riley.

“No, actually. I’m headed to a wrestling match. You guys want to join?” He claps me on the back again. “It’s just down the street. We set up a little outdoor ring, only about a hundred, hundred fifty people. It’ll be like old school WWF, before it became WWE. I’ve got a couple extra tickets.”

I look at Sam for her reaction. I know she doesn’t like football, but we’ve never talked about other sports.

“Um,” she hesitates, looking from me to Riley and back. “What’s WWF?”

“You’ve never seen a wrestling match before? It’s like live action theatre. That settles it, you have to come. You’re done eating, right?” Riley crosses his arms in front of his chest again, not because he’s impatient but because that’s how he typically stands. It has the effect of making you want to hurry, though.

“Don’t mess with the lady’s food, Ri. Pretty sure she likes it more than me, so we better let her finish.” I give her fingers an affectionate squeeze.